It strikes again

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"Engaged!?" I shout unintentionally

"Huh? Engaged??" Saori said

Both Takeshi and I looked at Saori

"We're not engaged"She said

" Engaged with each other's business, you see?" Jin continues where he left off

Saying so, Jin, just as he was about to leave, said " So which one of you is my rival then?"

"Rival?"I question

"Which one of you loves Saori?" He asks

Hearing so, Saori looks at me. My heart ceased for a while. After taking a breath I utter " I do"

"Take this then" Jin says as he keeps a card of some sort on the table near to him and leaves

Saori was sitting over there getting confused just then her friends joined her asking her all sorts of questions

I couldn't focus on the card that the guy gave as She was right there in front of my eyes. Still I couldn't say anything.

So i picked up the card. It was an invitation for a dinner at a place named 'Café genre' . Just then I got a call from Asakura

I picked it up while the others were busy with Saori.

"Yo, you free?" He asks me

"Yeah. What's the matter?" I say

"Nah, nothin'. Wanna talk?"

"Sure, where'd you wanna meet?" I say

" You remember that place?"

" 'That' place right?" I say


After having a final look around, Everyone was just talking to Saori. I wanted to but I was scared so I left the place to meet Asakura

At the place

Upon reaching the requested place, I saw Asakura sitting on a chair near the terrace. I joined him. He was having tea on his flask.

" Let me guess, you broke up with another girl didn't you?" I say pulling a chair next to him

"Yeah... Kakei let me tell you when that girl from the cafè comes back, you better purpose "

"Haha.... that's kind of funny. I did buy a ring and she came back today." I say scratching my cheeks

"What? Really? So when are you going to?" He asks

"I really don't know, I get really scared even when i see her. I start to stutter and I forget what I was going to say most if the time" I say

"Yeah, that happens when you aren't confident enough." He says punching me on the shoulder

"And what about you? You broke up with the girl you started loving a week ago?" I ask

" Yeah, it was not going well. She'd call for a date every day, and you see i had to take care assignments"

"Why'd you pause there for a sec?"I ask

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