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"Ok today's the day"- Kakei said while getting ready for the fest

"Umm what am i going to wear "- he thought as he opened the closet



"Man , I have a lot of stuff here , So which one ?"

"KAKEI , faster we're getting late . The car's ready !!"-Aunt

"EH, I got to choose one fast....Well black jacket and umm normal jeans yeah "


"Man where's Saori-chan?"- Kakei wondered

"Here Kakei , take this ice-cream"-Cousin

"Thanks , i'll explore a while okay "

"We'll only be here for an hour , so meet me here in one hour"-Aunt

"You can call me in my mum's phone "-Kakei

"Sure"- AUNT


"Where is the project ,I can't find her ...."

"EH? Is that where .... OK that's it ,that's the project I was looking for"-Kakei looked as he saw a crowd of people around one of the stall

"Whew! No way in , The crowds huge . Maybe i'll wait a while " -Kakei




"Kakei , is that you?"- Another Aunt

"What? what are you doing here?, you aren't even a part of this school"-Kakei

"I was wondering , if the Smallest Son was presenting a project so i came to watch "

"Eh ,come Next year , Smallest aunt ."-Kakei ( NAILED IT!)

"So Who are you looking for ?"

"Umm , i'm looking for a friend"-Kakei

"OK then ,Go on enjoy your YOUTH!!"

"What does that mean?" -Kakei said as he walked away



"Still so much people , maybe i'll eat the ice-cream "

*Opens the packet*

"This is going to be good hehehe"

"Yo Kakei ! " - friend pushes him from the back

*Ice-cream falls*


"Oh ! Sorry man . I didn't see the ice-cream "

"Damn you..." *walks away*




"So finally free. OK here i go !"-Kakei



"I'm here"- Kakei

"So you finally came"- Saori

*Other participants leave as Saori starts to explain the project to Kakei*

"I'm the only one watching ,so it's okay that only Saori-chan's here but isin't this suppposed to be a group project"-Kakei thought

"So this is ...."-Saori explains

"Thanks i really like your project , well do you need anything ?"-Kakei

"I'm fine ,thanks "-Saori

"Ok then i'll see you later"

Kakei goes to the project instructor to complain about the other participants and that Saori-chan's doing all the work

"Sir Saori-chan's....."

"I see i'll call them and what's with your hair , if you come to school with this hairstyle-"-Sir

"NO , i just didn't have time to manage it"-Kakei




"So Saori-chan finally got a break huh?"-Kakei wondered as he stood still

"Umm Kakei?"- Saori's Friend


"NO , don't ask !"-Saori-chan

"Have you moved on?"

Kakei simply nodded in disagreement and said no i haven't

"See" -Saori's friend to Saori

"She's still not sure that I haven't moved on?-Kakei wondered

"Well i have to go ,So bye both of you!"-Kakei





"You're late Kakei"- his aunt said while dragging him into the car

"But I haven't had the burger yet (;o;)" -Kakei

"We're going to Wimpy now..."-Cousin

"REALLYY!!!! ^-^"- Kakei


"Saori-chan still doesn't believe i've not moved on , may be i have to prove it "-Kakei

Kakei texts Saori-chan's friend to say so and asks her to tell Saori about it ..


That's Kakei's other favourite song . Hope you enjoyed it!


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