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"People around me have really been weird lately . From my best friends ignoring me to unknown people talking to me, it just feels weird . It's like my life's just been jumbled like a rubick's cube . A cube that's so jumbled that no one in this world can fix it.

We're living in a world where there's little but none humanity left . This cruel world , this world where we have to do anything just to keep ourselves happy....I don't like it. I think it's best to keep silent as always and just stare as this world changes.....changes . Hoping that it will take shape to something better . Hoping to see something sweet in this bitter reality

I don't have much friends but still i'm trying to find someone i can trust ,someone i can share my problems someone who understands me . Someone who I can call a 'FRIEND' ...

Coming to school alone , Going alone , eating alone , i felt as i had been completely gobbled up by this loneliness . I had been suffering a disease , the doctor told me it might get Asthama , if I continued playing football. So i left playing football and then life seemed even more darker... That is until i started talking to her . Life's gotten a little better since then

Asking questions such as 'What's your favorite color?' , "What's your favorite food? ', 'Do you prefer tea or coffee?' , I went every day to talk to her and relieve my stress a little . Since then i've made some new friends and i even managed to get along my best friends now.

I used to visit her everyday and when a competition such as Art competition or Literature competition would come around . I always used to say 'I'm sure you'll win".
She'd reply saying " No ! There's no way i could ..." . Later on, every time i wished her she used to win. We thought of it as a coincidence but it always happened and so we don't know what actually did happen.

Somedays when i visit her she used to sit like a sick person with her head on her bag as she hid her face . I used to poke her in the forehead even when she didn't like it just to say thanks for being a friend , she'd understand that i poke her to get rid of her headaches . I'd then wish her to get well soon.

Somedays we exchanged chocolates in a geometry box that had been lying around my house. I'd always give her dairy milk and she'd always give me kit-kat. Later on i got concerned about her spending money too much as she gave me chocolate every time i gave her dairy milk , so i told her 'You don't have to give me chocolates "

I'd send her weird questions on wattpad like
'If you could be an animal , which one would you be?', " Which anime do you like the most? '
Sometimes she'd get really angry and get mad sometimes she'd reply with a question as well . We used to chat about that weird thing i did in front of her friends. Still even if she replied with a word or with a paragraph . It would make me happy because she's the one that i liked since grade 6 but this time i don't see her as a person i like , i used to think her as one of my best friends .

One day in February she asked for my birthday , i thought it was just to get to know me but on my birthday when I went to meet her she surprised me with a birthday gift . I was in complete awe as no one had ever made a card for me ( except my sis ) . That was one of the best birthdays i had . On day I told her it was my birthday in the coming holiday that is from our country's date And gave her some chocolates . she stayed up all night on the DAY BEFORE MY BIRTHDAY because i hadn't
Told her the exact date . So she stayed up all night just to wish me Happy birthday on the wrong day. When i saw this first i was happy but then that happiness had a spark of sorrow as i had forgot about telling her the date and therefore causing her to stay up all night on the wrong day just to wish me Happy birthday. Eventhough she wished me on the wrong day i still feel happy that there was someone who would do that much for me. Realizing this i made her a birthday present of something she liked and wrapped it and i prepared to give it to her on the very last day of school .

One day as i was going to speak to her , she told me not to visit her from now on. I agreed as i knew a lot of attention was being created and she didn't like that all .

I agreed and told her just 3 more days . Saying so , the day after i told her so , i got caught by our school in-charge while just trying talk to her . I visited her again after the incharge had gone but she didn't listen to me . Yeah it hurt but still I kept a smile and headed back home and prepared myself for the exams

After finishing my exams on the last day, I was called by a group of grade eight girls near the grade 10 block where one of them confessed to me . I told her that I was too immature to have a girlfriend at my age plus my schedule was tighter than ever and told her not to get involved in these things and then left .

Later that day I visited Saori-chan bringing the gift i prepared for her with me . On that day i called her , she seemed to ignore me , later on i talked to her and gave her the gift and talked to her about how she proved to me she was a true friend to me .

• NEXT CHAPTER : Accidents

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