A Date ? (Page -2 )

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"Yes Saori, A date? So what do you say? "Kakei asked controlling his nervousness

"I-I'm not so sure..."She said still being a tomato and covering her face

"Sure but i'd really want you to come, i want to talk to you about something" Kakei said as he say on a chair

"B-but why so sudden Kakei?" She asked losing a little bit of redness

"Actually i was given these tickets and i had no one i could go with so...."Kakei said to her

(・・?) "So you mean you don't want to waste the tickets so you are telling me to come with you?" She said loosing all the redness on her face

"No it's not like that but i really want you to come with me..."Kakei said as looked down while sitting on the chair

"....Tomorrow right?" Saori asked

"Yeah!" Kakei said look up

"Hmmm.... You can say that I'm free.."Saori said

"So will you come?"Kakei asked looking desperate

(^。^) "Okay. I will" she said

(^-^) "Thank you " Kakei said

Then after this had happened .Kakei got dressed and started working . None of the staff except Kakei and Saori had known what had happened between them.

As they served the customers, the sun set and it was time for everyone to go home Just before Kakei was about to leave he heard a crashing sound at the kitchen and hurried to the kitchen to see what caused it

"Hey ! What's going in here ?"Kakei said while opening the door

Just as Kakei opened the door , he saw Saori chan doing the dishes and a broken plate on the ground

"Ah! My bad . The plate mistakenly slipped from my hand "Saori said as she was about to pick up the pieces

Just when Saori was about to pick the pieces up Kakei went in front of her and stopped her catching her hand

"Don't . Use the broom instead ."Kakei said to Saori

"...O-Okay" She said getting the broom and the pan

"Here, i'll catch the pan" Kakei said as he sat down and held the pan

"Thanks" she said as she started sweeping *Sweep* *Sweep*

After sweeping Kakei threw the broken parts in the dust bin and went towards Saori

"You alright?" Kakei asked

"Yeah, so Kakei?" She said

"Yes? What happened?"He said

"About tomorrow, where do we meet ?"Saori asked

" Hmm.. I really don't know . Why don't you decide?"Kakei suggested

"Umm... I can't think of anywhere else but let's meet here tomorrow "Saori suggested

"Sure !"Kakei said .
He then dropped Saori on her home and headed to his

Just as Kakei reached home .He realized there were guests as there were a pair of shiny shoes at the door way, Kakei went to see who they were when suddenly there was a pat on his solider

"Long time no See , Kakei!" Said a man who looked just as the same age as Kakei was

Next chapter : The Old Friend

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