Dream "GOAL"

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"How will you prove it to Saori-chan?"-Friend

"I don't know how ,maybe i'll ask her if i had moved on , would i ask for a second chance or something..."-Kakei

"I don't know how you're going to do it but all the best"-Friend

*Ding Dong*

"Class today we'll...."

"Can i really do it ?"- Kakei thought as he usually stared outside


"Aw shit, i'm so nervous , i've got butterflies in my bellies, I wonder what those butterflies are there for.... (senseless thoughts)"

"Okay, i'll search for Saori-chan.... Nowhere to be found , maybe she's already in her bus ?"-Kakei

"Ah, there she is"

*knocks on the window*

"Umm, Saori-chan can i talk to you outside ?"-Kakei

"Yeah , sure"

"So what is it that you wanted to tell me?"-Kakei

"Umm , about last time, you asked me if i had moved on or not, I don't think you are sure so-"

"-No , i'm convinced . My friend just asked it."-Saori

"Eh, i understand"-Kakei

"But i think you should move on , it'll damage other possibilities ,you know"

"Again with the 'move on' thing ,i have to tell her the reason , i can't give up "-Kakei thought

"Saori, I have a dream!"-Kakei

"A dream?"

"Yeah a dream !"-Kakei

"And what might your dream be?"-Saori

"MY dream..."-Kakei

"Your dream is ?"-Saori

"My dream is ..... TO MARRY YOU!!!!"

"What?"-Saori-chan covered her face due to nervousness

"Ah, but it's just a dream , a goal, I'm going to try everything to achive it!"-Kakei said as if concelling her

"But you should move on."-Saori chan said while still covering her mouth

"Eh, again with the move on thing :("-Kakei thought

"No ,i'm not moving on !"-Kakei

"Well ,i going now , bye!!"-Tomato-ish red faced Saori-chan

"Bye -bye"- Kakei


*Shuts room door*

"Stupid, Stupid "-Kakei said while punching the pillow

"That's was so stupid , 'I HAVE A DREAM!!' ,God damn it , I ended up telling her my dream"-Red faced Kakei

"Move on ? Not a chance ...How can I move on when I'm still in love with her ??? " -Kakei started asking the anime girl poster in the wall

"*Sigh* I'm so stupid , hehehe, telling her my dream was unexpected .hehehehe, well at the end I'm happy i made her smile and that tomato-ish reddy face of her's ...hehehe not a bad day, not a bad day at all "-Kakei

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