#TeenagePost 8

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Teenage Post : 8

I Was Born Without You so Guess What I Can Live Without You.

Dear Sleep,

I Know we had our problems when I was a kid, but I love you now 

Sincerely, ZzzzZzzzZzzz

Dear Internet,

You should feel special, They always pick you over sleep.

Sincerely, Sleep

A house isn't home if there's no WIFI

I'm Not Lazy. I'm just highly motivated to do nothing.

Offering someone your food and secretly hoping they don't want it.

Using a different word because you can't spell the word you originally wanted to use.

There's always that one person who catches you doing something weird.

When I Was Younger, I wanted to be older, Now that I'm older I want to be a kid again.

I'm never sure what to do with my eyes when I'm at the dentist. Do I close them, Stare at his face, or do I stare at the ceiling?

Girls know how to fake smiles, Guys know how to fake feelings

Awkwardly standing there while your friend talks to someone you don't know.

Walking out of a store after not buying anything and thinking to yourself, "They're probably going to think I stole something..."

You Know Your Childhood Is Over when you fall asleep on the couch and wake up on the couch.

The Awkward Run you do when a car lets you cross the street.

Holding a girl's hand in public is just another way of saying your proud to have her.

Why would we LIVE WHILE WE'RE YOUNG if we're already FOREVER YOUNG ?

And do you thing we have that ONE THING or do you love us for our LITTLE THINGS

Your Lyrics Confuse Me...

You Could Say we're......TORN

(Sorry just found it online, though it was funny)

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