Chapter 4 Julianne

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"Well she's been gone for three days. You should have been able to find her by now!" I screamed into the phone. I'd been on the phone with police dispatch all morning and was getting nowhere.

"Could you hold, please?" The woman asked.

"No, I will not hold" I heard the elevator music anyway. Completely and utterly frustrated, I hung up the phone. I was still stuck in Texas, as there was still no sign of October. The strangest part about the whole thing was that Frank Iero had disappeared the same night. It was becoming a sensational news story. I couldn't turn on the television without a mention of it. October's picture was everywhere, shown up on screen next to Frank's. It was the only picture I'd had of October, still on my digital camera from the ride down here. She was driving, and had turned to me and cheesed hard while I snapped the picture. I'd taken my picture card to Wal-Mart that night and had it copied 100 times to pass it out. That was the picture I gave to the police. October would at least be happy that she looked cute in the picture, and I hadn't given them one in which she looked like a dumbass. She wasn't all that photogenic, to be honest. But in this one her dark hair was straightened and laying where it was actually supposed to be, and she even had on a little make-up. Her dark blue eyes looked really pretty. So unlike October, usually. She could give a shit less about what she looked like. T-shirt, jeans, and hair in a pony-tail. That was her uniform.

I sat down on the bed and flung myself back on it. "Where the hell are you, October?" I asked the ceiling.

When I thought about the cops' reaction the night it happened, I wanted to hit someone. They'd taken it all so lightly, like she just ran off. I had fought with them all night about October's character. Right, she took off, but left her car in the venue parking lot. Made a lot of sense. One cop even insinuated that she and Frank ran off together. That was laughable. October would never, ever in a million years leave her child behind for any guy, famous or not. And Gerard had said the same thing about Frank. He'd never take off and leave the tour and the band for any girl. Besides, he was hopelessly in love with his fiancé. I struggled to remember her name. I couldn't. Oh well. Gerard had been so cool to me when he'd walked up and I was giving my statement that night. He didn't talk down to me at all, and had what seemed like genuine concern for my friend as well as his own. It was probably because I was being such a basket case he wanted to help me calm down. I should have been arrested, probably. I said things to officers that people don't normally get away with. I got to meet all the band-members that night. God, I couldn't wait to tell October this. She'd be so jealous, I thought wistfully. I had no idea if the two disappearances were connected. It seemed like it was, the media thought it was, but I just thought it was too weird. If someone wanted money, ransom, then kidnapping someone like Frank made sense. He had money, obviously. But October didn't have shit. I mean she wasn't poor either, she comes from a middle class household but still had pretty good money. I still did not understand why they wanted October. Why not someone else? Why would they need to involve her? Not that I thought Frank should be kidnapped either, but it just didn't make any sense. I had too many questions that no one could answer for me. My mind wandered back to the conversation I'd had with Dominic that night. He'd flipped out on me. I could understand, honestly. This whole thing was my fault, although I'd never admitted it to him. If I hadn't let her walk away mad this never would have happened. I felt so guilty at that moment that I wanted to hurt myself. It was at that moment that my cell phone rang. My heart skipped a beat as I lunged for it. News of October? I didn't recognize the number at all.


"Um, hi, is this Julianne?" A masculine voice on the other end asked.

"Yes, this is she."

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