So close to death

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There has been many times where I thought I was going to die. Like the times I was drowning in the pool, had a gun pointed to my head, and when I was stabbed multiple times and bleeded out.

It was right after freshman year, during summer break. I went to Chatsworth with my friend just to go somewhere far and explore because we love to do that.

It was getting pretty dark, and then as we were driving my friend noticed a white truck was tailgating us. She kept switching lanes on the freeway on purpose if the truck was following us and it was. I told her if I should call the cops and she said no, she'll get rid of it.

Then she started speeding up and so did the truck behind us. She got off the freeway and started turning on every corner. Every time we turn, we see the truck behind us. Then she screamed out, "THAT'S IT!" Then she pressed on the brake hard that I actually hit my forehead. And we crashed into the truck behind us

She told me to stay in the car and of course I didn't listen to her and I got out of the car with her. She walked to the driver's side and it was her ex boyfriend. He got out the car mad as hell and took out a gun.

He screamed at her, "What the fuck was that for bitch?"

"You were following me. We broke up months ago....leave me alone before I call the police and arrest your ass!"

His friend got out the passenger and took out his gun and pointed it at me, just a few feet away from me. Her ex boyfriend pointed the gun at her and said, "You're my property bitch! Get in the truck! Now!"

She gave me the car keys and told me to run. I hear her yelling and screaming at him. I guess she was fighting him off. I didn't try to look back. I was running to the car and his friend pulled me out of the car and I hit my head and I started to bleed behind my head. He was on top of me with the gun pointed on my head. I was begging him to not shoot me. And I looked to where my friend was but I see her ex dragging her into the truck. She must be unconscious.

I turned back at him and bit his hand. He let go and I started running. I didn't know where I was going. I didn't really care as long as I got the hell out of there. Then they both got into the truck and started to follow me. I kept running and running and trying to find a place where I can scream for help, but nothing. I see absolutely nothing! It was too dark!

The next thing I knew was I tripped and I twisted my ankle. I tried getting up and trying to run but I was running slow. I hear the truck stop and I turned and see her ex running after me. He grabbed me from behind and covered my mouth. He put me in the truck and I see my friend bleeding from her head. I thought she was dead, but she is still breathing.

Her ex was taking us to his house for some reason. Him and his friend pulled us out of the truck, and still pointing the gun at us. We went into his house and it was empty. All I saw was just chairs, wooden, old chairs, and rope near them with duct tape.

Her ex told his friend to tie us up and he did. He put the chairs facing each other. My friend was still unconscious, her forehead was still bleeding. Her ex woke her up and said, "Hey bitch. You thought I wouldn't get you and your pretty friend over here did ya?" he smiled.

He came behind me and had a knife around my neck. I was breathing hard and started trying to untie myself. Then he went back to my friend and started to talk to her, one on one. He told his friend to go get some beer for "us". And so he left.

I kept rubbing the rope from the chair trying to break it apart or just trying to make it lose. My wrists were hurting so bad, but I knew I can't stop, I need to get out of here. Finally I got out and untied my legs. I stood up and my friend saw me. I told her to shhh and she nodded. Her ex was still talking to her and so I grabbed the chair, raised it up to my head, and hit him to the head and he fell.

She started crying and I told her just untie yourself , I will call 911. I see the phone, dialed "911".

"911. What's your emergency?"

"Help us. We are held hostage. One of the guys is passed out on the floor but the other guy is coming back soon. Please send help! PLEASE!"

"Just calm down ma'am, help is on the way. Do you know where you are?"

"No I don't! I think we are in an abandoned house?! Please send help....." then her ex grabbed pulled my hair from behind and pushed me to the ground. Then my friend jumped on him to stop him but he rolled over and he was on top of her and started choking her. I jumped on him and started choking him behind his neck.

I see her pass out and I started to choke him harder. Then he rolled over again and was on top of me and choking me. He said, "You thought you were tough huh bitch?!"
Then he took out a pocket knife and put it on my check and said, "I will show you what tough is bitch!"

I started screaming, "NOOOOOOO!!!!"
Then he stabbed me in my stomach, again, and again. He stabbed me 6 times. I couldn't breathe anymore. "How does it feel bitch?!"

Tears running down on my cheeks, "Just kill me!"

"My pleasure!" he was smiling.
He raised his pocket knife, I closed my eyes and I hear the sirens and he got off of me and said, "You bitch!" and started kicking me on my side.

The police knocked down the door and said, "FREEZE! DON'T MOVE! PUT YOUR HANDS UP! KNEEL DOWN!" I was still on the floor and I was trying to look for my friend but she was still passed out, and I did too.

I was in the ambulance and I hear someone talking to me and said, "Stay with me sweetie! Stay with me!" then I closed my eyes.

The next thing I know I woke up in the hospital and my friend was holding my hand. I squeezed her hand and she looked at me and started crying. "I'm so sorry! It should have been me not you!"

"It's okay! At least we're both still here. Where is he and his friend?"

"Arrested. They found his friend at the liquor store. They're going to jail. We both don't have to worry about them anymore!" she hugged me.

Then, a detective came in and said, "May I talk to your friend for a few minutes. I have to take her statement".

"Okay. I'll be right outside if you need anything". I nodded

The detective was standing across from me. She had a notepad in her hand and said, "The questions I will be asking you will be brutal for you. I know you don't want to relieve of what just happened to you, but it's a start to where you can put them to jail for life, understand?"


"Did you know these two men?"

"No. But then I found out that one of them was her ex boyfriend".

"Do you know why they were following you? Held you hostaged? Stabbed you multiple times?"

"You have to ask my friend that. All I know is they attacked us".

"By steps, can you tell me what happened when the situation started to where you woke up here?".

I was trembling, and said, "Ummm....we were driving then my friend noticed a truck was following us. She crashed into the truck on purpose. I think she had an idea it was her ex. He had a gun and so did his friend. Her ex told us to get into the truck but I was trying to run away while my friend was risking her life to save mine. But we both were dragged into the truck. My friend was already passed out by the beatings her ex did to her. I guess we went to his house and his friend tied us up from our arms, wrists, legs, and feet. His friend went to go buy beer, while her ex was attacking us. He was talking to her alone but I'm not sure about what. I was free from the ropes and I grabbed the chair and hit him with it. He passed out and I called 911. Then, he attacked me, then started choking my friend until she passed, then attacked me and choked my and grabbed his pocket knife and stabbed me 6 times to my stomach" I started crying and continued, "I told him to just kill me, because I felt like I was not going to live and he was going to kill me until the police came in and arrested him. Took my friend and I to the hospital. And I woke up here".

"Thank you. Anything else you want to say?"

"Do I have to go to court?"

"I'm not sure. I will keep you posted. Get some rest. And I'm sorry you have to go through that".

I've been through worse. Don't you think?

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