one » intersection

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dear infinity,

we met today.

you were standing in front of the moment of transcendence exhibit, and i couldn't help but marvel. you looked almost heavenly, and the winglike sculptures seemed to only add on to your celestial features.

i had gone to introduce myself to you, ignoring the rest of the students clambering down the staircase, eager to leave. i never understood why they had chosen to take an art elective if they didn't even plan on enjoying the beauty around them, but i was glad to find out that you at least held the same kind of appreciation that i did.

first, we discussed the sculpture because it was an easy topic of conversation. after all, it was right in front of us. however, easy topics of conversation are also easily exhausted, especially between two strangers. one can only look at a constellation for so long before he—or she—wants to find another.

our small talk moved on to even lesser things, such as which art class the other was taking—i'm in studio art while you're in art appreciation—and favorite artists and pieces and such. your favorite painting is composition viii by wassily kandinsky, i remember. you said it was because you enjoyed trying to figure everything out. i wanted to tell you that maybe there were things that weren't meant to be figured out, but by the time we climbed onto the bus to head back to school, the conversation had ended, and you had turned away to talk to your own friends again.

i don't know if we'll ever talk again, but that's all right. i understand that sometimes the planets align only to wait a hundred lifetimes before aligning again. i guess the only reason why i'm writing this is because you're the brightest star that i've seen in my sky in a long time. i hope you keep shining brightly.


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