nine » bernoulli trials

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dear infinity,

you would never believe how scared i am right now. i am frightened beyond your wildest dreams, more than the worst—or best, i suppose it could also be—horror movie you will ever watch could make you feel. i could almost die of fright.

maybe you do know just how scared i am. you probably do. i mean, i did run away—i'm so stupid. i ran away, and now here i am writing you a letter about just how scared i am. since when had i become so nervous, so anxiety-ridden, so unsure of myself? i'm almost certain it began with you. that's the kind of effect you have on me and everyone else around you.

your answer is a variable i may never want to find, though our relationship is an equation i definitely want to solve. however, that one small unknown will have a earth-shaking impact on the galaxy that is us, and while it may give way to new horizons, i'm not sure if it was worth the possibility of destroying the very foundations of our relationship.

but then again, you're worth the risk. no, you're worth infinity times the risk because you are my sun, my moon, and my stars, and my universe would be very bleak without you.

i suppose asking someone out is something of a bernoulli trial in and of itself, with only two possible outcomes: success or failure. i hope i have found a place within your heart that will not lead me to failure.

you might ask if we could stay as "just friends," but you and i both know that we will never be able to settle into the same routines. the hurt will linger in my heart no matter how much i will try to hide it, and the awkwardness will hang in the air above your head no matter how hard you will try to stave it off. eventually, it will become all too much, and we'll drift away from each other.

perhaps you and i were meant to fail. after all, the planets don't align themselves often—and never do they align perfectly.

i suppose i am being too negative. after all, you haven't given me an answer yet. i barely glimpsed your face as i spoke and before i ran like a coward, but i imagine shock was written all over it. i could only hope that your expression then turned into one of delight, or else i may never be able to look at your face again.


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