seventeen » cassiopeia

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dear infinity,

our school is, as always, full of rumors. it's quite interesting how interested other people seem to be in others' lives—interested enough, at the very least, to speculate about events in the lives of other students without any proof to support their speculations. but who am i to judge? after all, i do admit that the occasional rumor captures my attention, if only because i am bored with my own life.

in any case, the rumor i heard today was about us. of course, i don't believe it, but i have to confess that i considered its plausibility when i first heard it. in my defense, a person should at least take a little bit of time to determine if what he is told is true or if it's false, so as to prevent close-mindedness. but anyway, someone told me that you mentioned to your friends that you weren't sure if you were ready to commit yourself completely to our relationship.

and i must tell you that it troubles me. it causes me concern because i am wholly and utterly committed to making us—you and me—work.

but i understand your fears. of course, we can't hold hands and prance through life. we're young, and we still have so much to learn, so much to experience. youth doesn't always make everything better. sometimes, the brazen, reckless nature of youth bulldozes everything good in its path. i just want to assure you that there's nothing we can't get through as long as we have each other. perhaps i am being too bold or brash or anything of that nature, but i'm not haphazardly trying to force my way through our problems. i just know that as long as we work things out as a couple and continue to properly communicate our feelings and our thoughts, we won't have to break up just to solve our problems.

yes, we will face problems. what true couple doesn't? perhaps rumors will threaten us. they have been looming over us since before we became a couple, and they seem to have multiplied now that we have. first, there are whispers about your doubts about commitment—which is an issue that we'll need to address—and then there are people who are convinced that you're too good for me, that you'll break up with me soon. there are others who claim that you're not right for me, that i deserve someone who isn't so superficial, so vain. oh, how wrong they are.

perhaps it only matters that we know the truth. i know that you're more than a pretty, popular heartbreaker, and you know that i am more than just a nobody in the halls. after all, there's only room for the two of us in our relationship.

rumors are a funny thing. perhaps cassiopeia never claimed to have greater beauty than the sea nymphs. perhaps she had just fallen victim to the nereids' vicious lies and their dangerous rumors. what if, say, they had seen her majesty, the queen, in all of her splendor and realized that her beauty could not be rivaled? what if they had grown jealous over the fact that this mere human mortal was an example of beauty they could never hope for? what if they had whispered lies into poseidon's ear that cassiopeia had insulted their beauty with her own vanity?

what if the myth was attacking the wrong person?

if that is so, then cassiopeia's only fault was her heavenly beauty (as is yours). even if she had made the rumored claim, it is quite possible she thought she was telling the truth. what does it matter if others are upset, as long as the truth remains?

i want us to remain as well, but that can't happen unless we communicate properly, and obviously we still have much to talk about.


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