ten » addition

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dear infinity,

i can't believe it was just that easy. all i had to do was ask you out, and you said yes. you said, "yes, i'll go out with you." what's even more surprising—and a more than pleasant surprise, i assure you—you followed your statement with, "how does saturday night sound?"

and i replied that saturday night sounded wonderful. and it was. because we were there. and our galaxies collided in the most beautiful array of light.

i didn't kiss you, however. how could i? i orbit around you. you are my planet and my earth, and i am your satellite and your moon. if i were to draw close enough to even brush your atmosphere, i would burn up. if i came any closer at that moment, i would come speeding toward you without a thought for caution and would crash into your surface and decimate you.

these things take time. i am willing to wait for you because you are my elysium. you are my new earth. and i will gladly wait a thousand lifetimes just to spend one with you.

to be honest, words cannot even express the ecstasy i am feeling right now, now that we have claimed each other as our own. and it was as easy as one plus one is two. or perhaps one times one is one because i firmly believe that two people who are meant to be together are simply one entity appearing as two. well, i didn't before, but i definitely do now.

you've opened up my world to new wonders, and i'm so grateful to you.


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