eleven » monomial

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dear infinity,

so many people at school have been asking me about you. about you and me. about us. and there's just something so fulfilling when i say that yes, we are indeed dating. yes, i'm almost positive we're exclusive. no, it's not a joke.

i've been floating all day. the new development in our relationship has sent me to cloud nine—no, it has sent me to the moon, beyond the stars, past the boundaries of the known universe. here we are, two lovers who have nowhere to go and everywhere to be, wandering the stars together, trying to find a planet that can sustain our love.

but perhaps we're not in love each other quite yet, but i know i'm, at the very least, close to it. love is something that comes natural to me, i suppose. from birth, i have loved. my parents named me "beyond" because, they said, "his love will reach far beyond the edges of the universe." i am a being simply meant to love. and you are a being simply meant to be loved.

you, infinity, are simply created to receive love. i can't exactly attribute to only one of your perfect traits—or even a few. in fact, your whole existence just simply demands love, not in an overbearing way but just as a fact of life. you capture everyone's heart simply because you are infinity and you glow infinitely brighter than all of the mere mortals who inhabit the earth.

perhaps i'm already in love. i don't know if truly it's possible to fall in love in such a short amount of time, but probability and possibility were buried six feet under and lost in space the moment i saw you. i would never have thought that we would meet. i would never have thought that we would grow this close. i would never have thought that we'd be here now as boyfriend and girlfriend.

i would never have thought that i'd be able to hear the words "he's" and "my" and "boyfriend" come out of your mouth in that order in reference to me. that's why it isn't hard for me to believe in something so illogical, so inconceivable, as the thought of me falling in love with you. it isn't quite as incredible as the fact that you and i are together.

together. as in boyfriend and girlfriend. as in we are dating. as in i like you and you like me back.

i think that's a miracle. but perhaps it's not so much a miracle on its own but a miracle of another's doing. perhaps we are like dionysus and ariadne, a couple written in the stars, commemorated by the heavens above and immortalized in the heavens above. that may be wishful thinking, but i only seem to think wishfully ever since i first met you.

i am so glad i met you. and i hope you're glad you met me.


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