six » impossible event

272 30 3

dear infinity,

people have been telling me that you got yourself a boyfriend all day. can you believe that? i don't know why they're telling me, though, because it's not like we're anything more than friends.

what i want to know is, why haven't you told me that you're dating someone? it is definitely something i would want to know as friends. i have to make sure that he's good enough for you. i would never approve of your relationship if he was but a lackluster meteoroid trying to orbit around the beautiful venus. i mean, that's my duty as your friend. isn't it?

as i mentioned before, it was a little odd that they were all telling me, even including a couple of my friends, but maybe it had to do with the nickname you gave me. don't worry; i love it. but i'm guessing people think you're saying "bae" instead of bey. that's okay, though, because i know what you mean even if the rest of the universe is determined to twist the truth until it's purely a lie.

i've never seen this boy they told me you're dating. i would like to meet him, however, as i told you before. i thought we were pretty close friends and that you dating someone would be something you'd tell me.

i guess i was just wrong.

but that apparently doesn't stop people from mentioning to me that you are dating this mysterious boy. there was even someone who asked me if we—you and i—were dating because that apparently had been the rumor before this unknown idiot showed up. but i said no because we could never date. there is no way a girl like you would ever agree to go out with a guy like me. besides, we're just friends, aren't we?


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