thirteen » lemniscate

204 16 4

dear infinity,

today had been a quiet day for us, but i like to think that it was still special. we did nothing but laze around your house, sharing the occasional kiss, of course. your parents weren't going to be home for a long while, and your brother was off fooling around with his friends—or maybe his girlfriends—for the day, so i didn't have to worry about making awkward small talk with them or getting chased off by him. or perhaps murdered brutally is a more fitting term.

so, we were able to spend our day playing games, playing chef, and playing lovers. ever since i kissed you that night, all physical barriers have been broken, and i can't seem to keep my lips away from yours. you are my sun, the center of my solar system, and, though you may someday expand so much that i'll be burned by your flames, i would never be able to survive without you.

perhaps it's in the way that you smile at me, but i can't ever seem to look away, much like how the sun is mesmerizing despite the fact that it causes blindness.

and you do cause blindness. you have made me a blind fool in love, for i cannot see anyone but you. i am nothing but a planet orbiting around you, nothing but a moon in your night sky, nothing but a circle and you are my center. i am defined by the limit as i approach infinity, and i wouldn't have it any other way.

you mentioned today that your brother's birthday was coming up and that he was throwing a party. i know what kind of party you were talking about, and honestly, i loathe those kinds of things. however, i agreed to attend. for one, i sincerely hope that my presence at his party will earn me a few positive points with your brother (i swear i can feel him glaring daggers at me in the hallway), and for two, i will probably never be able to say no to you.

so, yes, i am definitely a blind fool for love.


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