A Chink in the Armor (WWE Fan Fic)

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"Lindsay, come here a minute,"

Sara, the divas coach, called for me. I was excited. I tried my hardest since getting the hell out of Nebraska to come train in the heat of Florida. I was definitely built for this life. Having worked on one of the last remaining functional farms outside of Omaha made me who I am now. 

"Lindsay, I just got the call a few minutes ago from Creative."

"What did they say?" I asked nervously.

"They have an idea and want to see if you fit the female model they're thinking."

"Could I be so bold as to ask what it is?"

"You sure can,"

"What is it?" I asked her.

"Have you ever seen the Shield?"

"Yes," I said.

"Well, then you realize a varied group of male superstars have yet to defeat them. Well, the angle Creative came up with was..'What if a woman decided to destroy them?' I walked past the meeting going on between Jim and others."

Jim was Jim Ross, a sweet Oklahoma man who was a Veep of Talent. 

"What did you do?"

"I saw Jim after everyone left and put in the best word for you I could. I see how hard you train out there. You're definitely going to go somewhere if you get the right aspect."

"Thanks, Coach."

"Hey, you came to us as a diamond in the rough. I didn't have to do much 'cept polish you. You're a hard worker and that dynamic seems to be lost through the girls who come in here. A lot of them come into this sport expecting to be models or arm candy and don't really value doing the real work involved. By the way, how did you get that muscle tone?"

I chuckled.

"The family farm didn't run itself."

"Farm? What kind of farm?"

"Dairy. I had to muck stalls, gather eggs, tend the garden, and other things from the age of four."

"So, that's where the work ethic comes from, I thought you had an amazing work ethic. You will definitely get the job if I have something to say."

Just we finished talking, Paul Heyman came into the gym.

"Sara, pleasure seeing you again. Who's this?"

"Paul, always a charmer, aren't you? This is Lindsay. She's one of the newest acquisitions from OWA."

"Omaha, huh?" He said giving me a thorough lookover. "You definitely have an unusual physique for a woman."

"I've been working hard since I could walk." I said.

Paul smiled.

"There need to be more women like you in the world."

He handed me his card.

"In case whatever you're involved in doesn't work out for you."

"Thank you, Mister Heyman."

"Women like you are the role model my daughter needs. You're quite welcome and I hope to see you around the business."

He then shook Sara's hand and walked away.

"Girl, do you realize what just happened to you?" She asked me. I smirked.

"Lemme guess, that was an opportunity."

"Given to you on a gold platter."

I smiled at Sara, holding back the girly squeal I kept in check.

"Go ahead and let out whatever you're holding back, Girl. This is just the beginning for you."

I squealed the school girl squeal after getting the gold star in the class. Sara smiled.

"You're probably one of the few successes I can attribute as being solely mine."

"It helps that you're an awesome coach and mentor."

She put her arm around me as we walked out of the gym.

"SARA!" I heard a man yell. Sara shrugged.

"Yes, John."

John Layfield, a commentator among all his jobs in this company, approached us.

"How are you?"

"Awesome, how are you?"

"Tired. I'm heading to makeup to shoot the next youtube vid for the JBL and Cole show."

"Yeah, really? How's that going for you?"

"Twenty three shows so far."

Sara smiled.

"That's awesome but we gotta go."

Taking my hand, she pulled me into the ladies' locker room.

"Seriously, that guy is creepy." Sara said to me.

"He seemed charming enough to me."

"Yeah..don't think like that. He's..different."

"Did you date him?"

"I don't wanna talk about it. Let's just go."

She peeked her head through the door to see if anyone was coming past. Then pulled me out to walk down the hall. 

"What was with the Mission Impossible movements?"

"I wanted to make sure John was gone."

I laughed as we continued to walk. I noticed talents and executives walking all around us. I tried to move and dodge people in the hall. In doing so, I slammed into him.

A Chink in the Armor (WWE Fan Fic)#Wattys2014Where stories live. Discover now