Chapter 7

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Colby and I went down the elevator, the car stopped at floor 3 and the door opened. It was Justin Gabriel.

"Hey mate," He said to Colby.

"What up, Dude?"

"Not much, man. What do you think of the craziness that is New York City?"

"This is just the thing I love most. Crazy busy streets, people everywhere and buildings. I'm a city boy for sure."

"Haha, I know that feeling, Mate. Who's this?" He said eyeing me.

"This is Lindsay."

"Well, now, it's a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Miss Lindsay. My name is Justin and I'm a werewolf."

"You don't look like Jacob or that other dude from Teen Wolf."

"Come on now, do you honestly think we werewolves change in broad daylight?"


"There ya go, then. We change only under a full moon. Don't trust the movies." He said with a wink. Colby looked at him.

"So where's JoJo?"

"She's waitin for me. Want to bring yours to meet mine?"

Colby looked at me.

"Wanna meet JoJo?"

"Sure, why not?"

"Excellent. She'll be stoked."

We took off with Justin to meet a short dark haired girl.

"Jo, my lovely, meet Seth and his lovely girl, Lindsay."

"Pleased to meet you." She said holding her hand out to me.

"Hey, what about me?"

"Do I have to shake your hand, doofus, I've met you already."

Justin shook his head.

"Yeah sorry, I forgot the whole Ring of Honor, NXT thing. My bad,"

Jo shook her head.

"Honey, don't ever say 'my bad'. You can't pull it off with the accent."

I laughed. Jo looked at me.

"Seth, Darling, do you mind if I confiscate your lovely girl here and take her to get her hair done? She looks like she came straight off the farm."

I looked at Jo.

"Um, actually, I haven't had my hair done since I left there."

Jo, Justin and Colby looked at me.

"You've never had your hair done in the last year?" Jo asked.


"That settles it! You, me, hair and nails done today. Boys, we'll see you later."

I laughed nervously as I waited for Jo and the cab to take us to a salon. When we entered, the black and white tiles were everywhere. Jo smiled at a man behind the counter.

"Hello, Jose,"

"Well, hello, Joseann, my peach. How are you, Darling?"

"Speckfreakintacular. This is my new friend and soon to be best friend, Lindsay. Linds, say hi to the best hair stylist in NYC, Jose."

"Hello," I said shyly.

"Joseann, you bring me such a shy starling, not to worry, I will make you beautiful. What is your man's name?"


"You, darling, will make him weep with joy. Come, come with me. Sit in mah chair and I will have you looking amazing."

A Chink in the Armor (WWE Fan Fic)#Wattys2014Where stories live. Discover now