Chapter 40

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I awoke to medics over me and a fetal heart monitor on my abdomen. I passed the safety point of miscarriage so I wasn't worried about that. I hope everything went well with my baby. I looked at my doctors Torrez, Sampson and Goran.

"Is my baby okay?" I asked.

"Yeah everything's fine. Thing is, Lindsay, you gotta eat if you're hungry."

"I will. I just was on camera and people call me fat and it makes me nervous."

"Not eating isn't good for you or the baby either."

"I know. I just don't want to be on camera with food."

A familiar voice talked to me as our eyes locked.

"Who cares if you're eatin'? Pregnant girls eat!" he said.


I sat up, smiling to him.

"Well, look atchu, Little Miss Corporate Mama. How're you?"

"I missed you!" I said.

"I bet you did. What's this I hear you're dating a Shield member,"

"I am." I said beaming.

"Lemme guess, you're dating..."

Colby came into the room.

"Bug, are you okay?"

"Yeah I am. I just got hungry and Randy sat next to me after AJ called me fat in front of Brie and Nikki and I was upset cuz of all that and..."

Cody looked at Colby.

"Are you her boyfriend?"

Colby stared back.

"Yes, I am. Who are you?"

"My name is Cody Runnels. I'm Lindsay's sparring partner."

"Not to mention one of my closest friends, Codeman."

Colby looked at him then extended his hand.

"Thank you for coming to see her."

"She's one of my best friends. I missed her."

Cody hugged me in front of Colby. I looked nervously at the both of them. Colby looked at Cody.

"How did my Bug fair against you?" Colby asked.

"That one was a high flying little pipsqueak. She's so darn cute though."

"Yeah, she is. She's my love bug."

"Treat her well."

I smiled noticing two important men in my life getting along. I knew nothing of what happened next.


Three weeks later...

I was two days shy of four months pregnant. The WWE wound up in Iowa. Colby looked at me.

"Do you want to meet my parents?"

"You mean I get to see your mom on something other than skype?"

"Yes and half of my family too. Family reunion when one of us comes home."

"I can't wait."

I smiled as we got to Colby's Parents' house. The farmhouse reminded me of my grandparents' home. The smell of wildflowers and the feel of sunshine made me smile. He pulled the car up the drive and we were greeted by an older woman.

"Colby!" She said.

"Tia Maria! How are you?"

"I'm alright, who is this beautiful creature?" She asked.

"This is my girlfriend, Lindsay."

"GIRLFRIEND!?' She asked excitedly.

She then looked at my small tummy.

"Ay Dios Mio! She's having a baby! Mi sobrino is a papa!" She said shrieking.

"Si, Tia. I am."

"Come in, Come in, have a seat. My name is Maria Lopez. I'm Colby's aunt."

I smiled. A young man came in, he couldn't have been more than 13 himself.

"Cousin Colby!"

"Hey Raul,"

"She's pretty."

"Thank you, I'm Lindsay."

A tall man about 21 came into the house.


The man high fived Colby.

"Hey, Bro. How's college?"

"It's going. Business classes are killing me."

Colby laughed.

"Bro, this is my girlfriend, Lindsay."

"Well, hi. I'm Colby's brother Jaime. We have a sister here someplace. I don't know if she came yet."

Colby's mother entered the room. I smiled towards her.

"Marta?" I asked.

"Oh my goodness. It is you! You are such an adorable chica. Colby, you did well with this girl. She's beautiful."

I blushed as Colby put his arms around me.

"I think she is too, Mama."

I smiled.

"I hear my son's voice. Where is he?"

"I'm in here, Pop."

He looked at Colby then at me.

"Is this Lindsay?"

"Yes, it is, Pop."

Colby's father looked at me and smiled.

"Welcome to the family."

I blushed and accepted every hug. Marta held me close.

"Have you thought of names?"

I looked at her and thought deeply.

"I only had one name for a boy so far. Christopher Colby Lopez."

Marta smiled.

"I love the name already."

"Gracias." I said.

"What if it's a girl, Bug?" Colby asked.

"I don't know yet. I haven't thought of it."

Marta looked at me.

"My mother's name was Elena."

I smiled.

"I'll use it."

Marta smiled and hugged me as we all went inside to eat."

A Chink in the Armor (WWE Fan Fic)#Wattys2014Where stories live. Discover now