Chapter 33

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[Author's note: Thank you to everyone who's read this so far! I appreciate it and love you all!! <3 ~LG~]

A few days pass with my dad. He told me that my step mom was coming to see me and bring my little sibs. I was anxious as I never had siblings. I never had a mother either, come to think of it. My body chose that day to react to chemo. Having had it for a month and some odd days, I took a brush to my hair and saw it just coming out in clumps. I hadn't wanted to eat anything but a few crackers and sipped on sprite like it was water. The worst part was my body hurt in the weirdest spots. My chest felt tender to touch and my back hurt. To make matters worse, I kept Iyanla and Sara busy taking me to the bathroom all the time. I just kicked back when I heard a soft knock at my door. Sara got up to answer it.

"Do I have the right room?" The woman asked.

"Well, what room are you looking for and I can tell you if you're here or not." Sara said jovially.

"I'm looking for Lindsay Sutton."

Sara smiled.

"That would be the beautiful creature in the bed with the pink bandana."

She came forward with her three children. My father rose to kiss her softly on the lips and hugged each of the kids. I smiled.

"Linds, this is my wife, Jess. Jess, this is my daughter, Lindsay."

"It is an honor to meet you, Lindsay." she said to me. I noticed one of the girls pull on her coat.

"Mama, who's that?"

"Well, Chey, that's Lindsay. She's your sister."

"She's my what?" The girl said.

"Cheyenne, Sierra, Ash, meet your sister, Lindsay."

Without a second thought, my little brother stuck out his hand.

"Pleased to meet you. I'm Ash."

I took it, shaking it gently.

"Well, it's nice to meet you too, Ash."

Cheyenne and Sierra were nervous at first and I didn't blame them. Sierra approached me first.

"Hi," was all she said.

"Hello." I said back.

Cheyenne approached her parents.

"Daddy, why does she wear that on her head?"

"Well, Chey, Lindsay is sick but she's getting better. She needs that to cover her head."

Cheyenne looked at me, curious.

"Do you mind if I sit in there with you?" She asks.

"I'd ask your mom first."

"Mom, Can I? I never had a big sister before, only a big brother. Can I please?"

"Okay. I guess so."

Cheyenne climbed in the bed with me. No sooner had she done so that Sierra and Ash followed. I had all three of them in bed with me at one time. I looked at my dad.

"You might wanna get a pic of this before it never happens again, Dad. I'm just saying."

Jessica laughed.

"She's right, Chris. You won't get this chance again."

The three small fries all curled up next to me. I laughed as my dad snapped the picture. Iyanla looked at him.

"Did you and your wife want to be in it as well? I can take the picture for you, if you wanted."

"That's a wonderful idea." Jessica said. I smiled as I saw them all gather around my bed. The kids all curled up next to me and my dad and stepmom on either side. Iyanla took the pic and showed my stepmom.

A Chink in the Armor (WWE Fan Fic)#Wattys2014Where stories live. Discover now