Chapter 32

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The month passed faster than I thought it would. I took the chemo like a champion. Doctor Cook surprised me.

"You're doing great. You haven't really shown any signs of weakness besides the dizziness and fatigue. That's all normal. How are you feeling?"

"I'm hanging tough, Doc."

"That's good."

Iyanla came in to see me and looked at me.

"You look different to me. I don't know why but you do."

I smiled.

"I'm in a ponytail and gray sweats." I said laughing.

"No, that ain't it. You shush."

I laughed and thought to myself what it could be that she saw that made me look different. I didn't feel much different. I was tired and felt dizzy. I ate far less than a human being should but it could be the chemo. I felt the darkness slip over me as it usually did with the chemo. When I woke up, I had a surprise waiting for me.

"Hey shortcake."

"Hey Dad."

"How'd you sleep?"

"Peacefully, I guess. I don't know. Most times I just pass out while the chemo does its thing."

"I have no idea how that it is but I'm here with you for a while. How've you been?"

"Great. I spent time with Colby..."

"Wait, who's that?"

"Seth Rollins."

"You're dating a member of the Shield."

"Yes Dad."

"It could be worse, you could be dating CM Punk. I'd disown you for that."

I laughed.

"Nah, I couldn't date him. There are men out of my league and he's one. Plus, he's what 14 or 15 years older than me. That's just kinda awkward."

"How much older is Seth?"

"I think seven years or so."

I could see my dad's hand slap against his face.

"Lindsay! Really?"

"Yes, Dad."

"Aye, geez! Okay, does he treat you well?"

"Yes," I said. He looked down at my hand.

"He's asked you to marry him without my consent?"

"No. This is just a promise ring."

"That is a promise ring and I'm the Pope."

I grinned at him and said

"Hey Papa, how ya doing?"

"Don't be a smartass." He said to me looking down at my hand. I smiled.

"I'm not a smart ass, Dad. I love him."

"He must love you too. Promise me something though,"


"When you decide to get married, you invite me. I'd be heartbroken if I missed yet another thing in your life. I missed enough already."

I smiled weakly, feeling the familiar fatigue pass over me again.

"I will."

I nestled into my bed and felt my father's lips on my forehead. Outside, Iyanla and my father talked.

"She looks different to me, Chris." She said.


"I don't know what it is, but there's a glow to her that I've never seen in her before."

He laughed.

"Well at least I know it's not radiation." He said.

"If it were that easy. I think there's something else to it. She's tired a lot, she's dizzy."

"Does she eat?"

"Sometimes. Things taste or smell weird to her. Usually saltines and sprite help."

"I'll watch over her this week. My wife Jess is coming to meet her, maybe she'll know what's going on with Linds. I wish I did. I don't remember enough about Kathy going through this to be helpful."

"I hope so. I just don't want her in pain anymore than she is with this treatment. She has one more month before going to work and I want her rested up and ready to go."

"So does everyone else. They're all excited to get her back into the fold. They want this part to happen for her. She's perfect for it. I have some surprises for her. They have her entrance music for her and I think she'll like it. The angle is done. She won't be wrestling right off the bat."

"That's good. I don't think that'd be good for her anyway. She's doing well though. The oncologist even said so."

"I'm prayin for my sweet girl's success. She deserves it after everything that's happened lately."

"No doubt, but she has Colby in her life. He makes her happy."

"He better or I'll beat him."

Iyanla laughed.

"He does."

He peered in one last time before going to grab food in the cafeteria.

A Chink in the Armor (WWE Fan Fic)#Wattys2014Where stories live. Discover now