Chapter 43

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I pretty much sat on a couch. That was the extent of my role. Stephanie already cleared me to do nothing else but sit. I was told to wear flat shoes and the wardrobe department found me cute maternity executive dresses. The camera was on me as I sat typing away on an IPAD.

"To whom it may concern..." I started. I looked up and saw Randy Orton staring at me.

"So, you can't come out to the ring to see me wrestle?"

"I can see you just fine from here,"

He ran his hand up and down my leg.

"I know you're having a baby. I think that's tremendous. Who's the father of the baby? I'm curious is all."

"I wouldn't tell you. I wouldn't tell a soul. He's too special to me."

Sliding his hand up my leg, he whispered in my ear.

"I will figure it out, then his ass will be mine. I'm the damn face of this company. I can do anything I want."

I looked at him.

"I wouldn't tell you if your face was on a hundred dollar bill, Mister Orton. Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to finish this memo for Triple H."

He then did something completely off script. He started playing with the skirt of my dress. I felt severely uncomfortable but the camera rolled. I couldn't move. I couldn't do a thing. Then the door opened.

"Miss Lindsay, are you busy?" Jon asked.

"Yes, of course she is! Can't you tell?"

Jon watched how Randy responded.

"I'm not busy, Mister Ambrose, what can I do for you?"

"Can you check something on Amazon for me? I need something."

"What do you need?" I asked.


Jon, not intimidated but scared for me, left.


Jon took off towards the Shield locker room.

"Co-Jack, come here as fast as you can."

In his uniform pants and wrestling boots,  he came to see Jon.

"What's up, Dude?"

"It's Lindsay. I think she's in trouble."

"Fuck, where's my damn shirt?"

Jon too his off.

"Here, wear this one. Just go."

Colby ran to the office, putting his shirt on along the way.


"You know you want me, Lindsay. I saw it the day you became the secretary. You forget, I'm friends with Naitch. He told me you were quite the stunner. I shoulda made my move on you when I had the chance."

I couldn't move. The camera man shot all of this, thinking this was in the script. He didn't realize Randy not only went off of the script but was so far off of it there was no way to edit this. I sat paralyzed. I prayed for something, someone, anyone to help me. I worried about my daughters. I worried about Colby finding him doing this. My entire life was about to crumble and I could do nothing to stop it.

"Orton, what the hell are you doing?" Paul asked.

"I wasn't doing anything."

"Then tell me why my wife's secretary is sitting there scared of you and tell me now!"

"I was just flirting. Jesus, man, don't get all overprotective of this little..." He said.

"She's a talented secretary and my wife trusts her. I trust her to do the best thing for business."


Triple H looked at Randy. I prayed silently for Colby to come.

"She's not interested in you, Randy."

"I'll make her interested."

"You touch her, you deal with me."

Randy walked up to Triple H.

"I want her."

Triple H threw up his arms.

"Stay away from her. I mean it."

I could barely make out what was said next but then my hero came.


"Rollins, I want you to stay here with Miss Lindsay. Orton, follow me...NOW!" Triple H said.

The camera kept rolling. Colby just nodded and sat next to me on the couch. The camera man followed Triple H and Randy out of the office. When I noticed the coast was clear, I started to cry.

"What's the matter, Bug?"

"He scared me horribly."

He said nothing else but wrapped his arms around me. Ten minutes later, we heard the door open and he let me go. Stephanie walked into the office.

"Rollins, I want you to take Miss Lindsay out of this office for now then return to duty."

He nodded to Triple H and helped me off the couch.

"Miss Lindsay, please know if you need anything further, don't be afraid to ask myself or my wife."

"Thank you," I said as I got off the couch.


"Yes, sir?"

"Keep an eye on her."

"I will."

Colby walked me out of the room. I stopped.

"Thank you," I repeated.

"Just keep safe."

I walked out with Colby. He looked at me.

"What happened?"

I looked at him.

"I don't want to talk about it here."

"He did something, didn't he?"

I stood there.

"What did he do?"

I looked around a moment then whispered it in Colby's ear.

"I'm taking you back to the bus then I'm gonna rip his dick off."

I looked at him.

"He didn't do anything, Colby."

"He didn't do anything this time. I'm worried  about you and our children."

I looked at Colby and I kissed him senseless. What I had no idea of was the camera taking a picture.

A Chink in the Armor (WWE Fan Fic)#Wattys2014Where stories live. Discover now