Chapter 35

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[Author's note: sorry for the weirdness I thought about it and left the preface for the next story as a separate entity. Just for those thinking 'hey isn't this supposed to be 36" Technically it isn't but I'm not renumbering. ~LG~]

I kicked back and watched something on TV when I saw a message from Colby on my IPad.  I opened it up and started watching the video message he sent.

"Bug, I wanted to tell you, I'm okay. I know there was static on one of those messages. I have no clue what I did but I figured it out and it's working again. I'm safe. I didn't want you to worry about me. I love you."

I, for lack of other words, panicked. Colby needed to know. I got that part. I'm going to tell him. I have to, more importantly, I want to. I started to type in the response message I had for him.

"Colby, when you see this, I need to talk. I miss you and miss your voice. It drives me crazy not having you around, I watch your messages every day. I stare at your pictures and relive the memories of those pictures everyday. I just want to hear your voice. I love you so much. Bug." 

I hit send and waited for a response. In the meantime, I saw another message. This time from Randy Orton.

"Lindsay,  it's Randy. Hunter told me that I needed to get into contact with you. The story line when you come back has you coming back as the Corporation's assistant. Hunter told me that during the story line, your character and mine have a flirtation. I completely understand that you're dating Rollins. I got that.  I would be curious to see how it plays on TV and how they actually make this work. I hope your chemo is going well and I hope to hear back soon. Take care of yourself. Randy."

My jaw clenched. I seriously needed to talk to Colby, Sara, and Stephanie or Paul. I wasn't too sure how this would work. I didn't want to lose the man I love for the sake of business. I didn't want to lose my job for the sake of love and I didn't want to lose my child in either case. I took a deep breath and focused on the positive. I flipped through the channels.and saw a re-run of Oprah's Life Class. What the speaker was talking about inspired me.

"Life isn't about winning or losing, it's about getting your butt kicked."

I watched the show, taking notes on my IPad. The things the doctor talked about hit a nerve in me. As I took notes, my IM beeped.

"Incoming Voice Message from Colby Lopez."

I hit accept.

"Hey, Soldier."

"Hey, Bug."

"How's London?"

"Quiet. It's like nine at night here."

"How're you feeling?" I asked.

"I'm banged up but I'll be alright. How're you? How's chemo?"

"It's whipping my behind and my hair is falling out,"

"Aw, my poor Bug. Have they made progress with treatment?"

"My platelets are going up slowly."

"What else is there? I know there's something else."

"Yo, bro, who's on the line with you?" Joe asks.

"Who do you think?"

"Hi Lindsay! Bro, can I tell her something right quick?"

"I guess so."

Joe got on the call with me.

"Chel wanted me to give you her number. She actually wants the company. Besides, Maya likes ya."

A Chink in the Armor (WWE Fan Fic)#Wattys2014Where stories live. Discover now