Chapter 38

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I got to fly to the venue a few days after I was cleared and released from the hospital. Colby and the Reverend boarded with me and my luggage. Iyanla apologized to me profusely about not going with me. She had her kids to think about and Mark was injured so someone needed to be around the house. I agreed. I contacted Sara via text.

"I can't believe I'm coming back home."

"Oh and there's gonna be a bunch of people waiting for you."

"Should I ask who?"

"No. I'm keeping it a surprise."

"Alright, fine, be that way! LOL! I get you."

"Trust me, people also know you're pregnant and I did NOT tell them. Paul and Steph want to talk to you about a lot of stuff. No one is mad, trust me. We just can't wait to have you back."

I smiled. Colby looked at me.

"Who're you texting?"


"What did she have to say?"

"She told me people know I'm pregnant."

"I told the guys."

"Which guys?"

"Jon and Joe. Chel was excited. Maya talked my ear off my head. Then it got spread around the roster. Everyone is excited for you."

"Why not you?"

"I'm the dad. I never get anything."

I laughed.

"I will make sure you get some kind of credit for this. Did you hear from Randy?"

"No, should I?"

"It's probably nothing." I said nervously.

"What is it?"

"He mentioned that Paul and Steph want us to flirt.."


"I didn't agree.."

"Still, hell no. You're my girl. I won't let another man touch you."

"Even if it's just work?"

"Yes. I don't want you or our baby hurt."

"Why would you think we'd be hurt?"

"Randy isn't all that safe. He's volatile. I don't trust him. Please, if you do this, be careful."

"I will be."

"I will never let you out of my sight."

I snuggled next to him as the plane flew us to the next venue. Colby's voice put me to sleep as he talked to Reverend DiBiase.

"Hey, Rev?"

"Yeah, Seth,"

"Could you say a prayer for us? I'm not too sure what to do. I've never been a father."

"I don't think Lindsay's been a mother either. From what I know, she hasn't had much of one either."

"What do you know about her before she came to WWE?"

"She trained under Dusty Rhodes. Cody was one of her best friends."

Colby sat there listening to the reverend speak.

"So, she trained with them."

"Yes, sir."

He looked down at me and I could feel him stroking my hair. The Reverend looked at Colby.

A Chink in the Armor (WWE Fan Fic)#Wattys2014Where stories live. Discover now