Chapter 14

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Sara and Lindsay talk as Lindsay's Ipad beeped.

"Would you look at that thing already? It's been beeping for the last ten minutes."

"Alright, alright." Lindsay said.

Iyanla came into Lindsay's room as Mark Henry came to the ring.

"Hey, chicky. I'm here before I take off for the night. How're you feeling?"

"I'm hanging in there. I know I got tests in the morning but I have to watch my guy before I go to sleep. I need some sweet dreams tonight."

Iyanla laughed at Lindsay's comment.

"You have a wrestler for a boyfriend and I have one for a husband."

Lindsay looked at her.

"Who's your husband?"

Iyanla pulled a chair up and watched Mark Henry talk.

"I took John Cena to his limit at Money in the Bank. I almost won that championship but he beat me..."

Iyanla sighed. Lindsay looked at her.

"Wait a sec..."

Iyanla looked at her.



"Yeah, I kinda didn't want that public knowledge. Mark's my husband and has been through hell with me. Two kids, a career that spans almost the duration of our marriage and cancer, it's an accomplishment. He would be perfect to help Colby with a significant other with cancer. I wouldn't have made it without him or the WWF. They saved us from a lot and you wouldn't know it. He's a big ol' teddy bear. You wouldn't believe it. He's the best husband and father I could ask for and he says the same thing about me."

Lindsay smiled.  Iyanla kissed her head and smiled.

"You have a good night, ladies. Oh and I forgive Colby for putting Mark through a table."  She said as Raw cut to a commercial.

Lindsay chuckled as Iyanla and Sara shook hands.

"I'll be in tomorrow."

'Okie dokie."

Iyanla left. Lindsay checks her Ipad.

"Message one."

"Lindsay, It's Paul. I wanted to say you're missed. I have an idea for a gimmick Let me know."

Lindsay looked at Sara.

"Triple H has an idea for my gimmick. I don't know about this."

Sara laughed.

"Onward to next message."

It was Colby again.

"Hey Bug, I miss you." He blew a kiss to the camera. "I'm going to change what I want clipped to me for you. I already got it approved. Oh one more quick thing, the guys are going to wear them too. Bye, Bug, I love you!!"

Lindsay smiled wide. Sara looked at her.

"Really? You're so fricken mushy you two."

"Jealous, are we?" Lindsay asked.

"Nope. I'm fine." Sara said giggling.

Lindsay laughed.

"Hopefully, this is Lindsay and I'm not talking to some random person." The male voice said. Lindsay looked at the face and her jaw dropped.

"What?" Sara asked.

"Umm, Uh, err, um...EEK!"

"What?!" Sara asked.

A Chink in the Armor (WWE Fan Fic)#Wattys2014Where stories live. Discover now