Chapter 39

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A month flew by like nothing. I rode on a bus with Colby, Joe and Jon. Frequent visitors were Brie, Layla and of course, Sara. I had simple lines and I used a cheat sheet. Anytime I looked in the planner they gave me for "Chloe" I had my lines in there. Call it pregnancy forgetfulness or Chemo therapy crazyness I did the best I could. Stephanie laughed some of the time I looked in the planner. She looked at me.

"Miss Lindsay, was I supposed to see Maddox today?"

"Yes, you were, Ms McMahon."

"He didn't show up did he, Miss Lindsay?"

"No, he did not."

"I'm not mad at you, I'm mad at him."

"I can try his cell again.."

Brad Maddox ran into the office.

"You wanted to see me, Ms. McMahon?"

"I wanted to see you an hour ago. Where have you been?"

I walked out of the office and back to a dressing room. I sat on the couch for a minute and yawned. Brie and Nikki walked into the dressing room.

"How are you feeling, Linds?" Nikki asked.

"Tired. I hate this feeling. My clothes are starting to not fit me either."

AJ walked past us and snickered.

"Maybe you should try losing some weight, you heifer."

I took a deep breath. Brie looked at AJ.

"Are you jealous much?"

"Ha! I'm not jealous of a fat cow like her. She's just like the rest of you bimbo barbie dolls."

I looked at her, swiping my hand across my face, feeling tears start to fall.

"Jealous?" I asked.

She looked at me and laughed again.

"I am not jealous of a fat pig like you."

"Pendeja, I'm pregnant. Something I don't think your twig like body could handle. Oh I'm also going through chemotherapy. Something, again, your body can't handle. Yeah, I may not be a ninety eight pound weakling with a belt but I am a real woman with curves, the ability to give life to another human being, keep a relationship, oh and act. So, take your cute little self outta my dressing room..." I smiled, giggling "...Okay?"

AJ turned on her heel and left. Brie looked at me.

"Damn, remind me not to fuck with you while you're pregnant."

I laughed.

"I don't get that mean but she woulda called me a heifer again I woulda made sure her Chuck Taylors wound up in her mouth."

"I wanna be like that when I'm pregnant." Brie said.

"Comes with being around Seth's mom all the time on Skype. Between her and my stepmom I'm learning."

"Can you tell what you're having yet?" Brie asked.

"Too soon to discern gender. I will let you all know when I find out. okay?"

The Bellas smiled at me.

"Hey, Nikki, how's John?"

"His arm looks like it swallowed a softball."

"Is he having surgery?"

"He says he will eventually."

I smiled thinking of Colby. He was taping the Shield promo. I turned on the monitor and saw him with Jon and Joe. I laughed.

"What's so funny, Linds?" Nikki asked.

"Watching his promos. He's so tough but when we get on the bus he's the first person to take off all that gear and help me outta my dress, into my pjs and curl up with me watching Family Guy."

"The things we don't know about the almighty Shield."

"They're the sweetest guys.."

"Ya know, when we all heard about you in the hospital during that shooting, ballistic was not the word for Seth. He went up to Paul and just chewed him a new ass. Paul stood there and took it."

I looked at Brie.

"Oh my god, is he still employed?" I asked.

"Yeah, Paul understood. We all did. It was one of those moments we held onto whoever tight. I had a death grip on Bryan. If you really wanna know who managed to finally get Seth calm, it was Ted DiBiase."

"I wondered why he went with Colby and not Jon or Joe."

"Seth picked him personally to go. It relieved us all to know you were okay."

"How did you all find out about the pregnancy?"

"I told Joe." Sara said coming into the room. Looking at me, wiping away tears. She looked angry.

"Alright, who made the pregnant lady cry? I will rip whoever a new asshole." Sara said.

Brie and Nikki looked at her.

"AJ." they said simultaneously.

"Alright, I got her number." Sara said. Hitting a number on her phone, she called someone.

"Yeah, Steph, you might wanna handle your.." she coughs. "Divas champion. She's getting too big for her britches. If I hear from Lindsay or anyone else that the little Chuck Taylor wearing primadonna bitch gets on Lindsay again, I won't be nice and little miss divas champion will experience a Death Rey."

Sara hit end on her phone and looked at the Bellas.

"Have a nice day ladies,"

Then she looked at me.

"You let me know if that trailer park bitch gets in your face again. I will rip her a new hole and I'm not sure where yet."

I chuckled and hugged Sara.

"You're my protege. Any bitch comes at you again, I will harm her."

I smiled as I watched the end of the match. I stared at Randy Orton for a few minutes. Brie looked at me.

"You're watching Randy, aren't you?"

"I have to. It's in the script."

"I need to get ready for my match, Linds. I'm glad you're okay and we missed ya." Nikki said.

Brie hugged me, then Nikki. I smiled as they left. I sat there and watched, waiting. I heard a knock at the door. With the camera behind him, Randy entered the room.

"Hello, Chloe."

"Randy." I said.

"How are you?"

"I'm alright. Why are you here?"

"I've come to see the newest member of the family."

"What family is this now?" I asked.

"The Corporate family."

"I'm nothing exciting, Randy."

"On the contrary, I do believe you're amazing and beautiful. Do you mind if I sit down next to you?"

I moved over as it said to in the script. Randy knew all about Colby and myself. I just didn't know how to handle him. He sat down and the camera zoomed in on him. I tried to relax.

"Where's the smile I hear so much about, Chloe?"

I faked the smile for the camera. I felt sick and I didn't know if it was the chemo, the pregnancy or what but I just turned to Randy and smiled. When the camera stopped, I rushed out of the room. I bumped into Jon.

"What's the matter, Linds?"

I couldn't talk, I couldn't move, I just fell to my knees and gagged. Jon looked at me and helped me off the ground. I crumpled in his arms. He yelled for Colby. I went into a deep blackness and nothing felt the same.

A Chink in the Armor (WWE Fan Fic)#Wattys2014Where stories live. Discover now