Chapter 9

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[Author's note: usually when I write, my narrator is usually a main character. This chapter has me using a third person narration midway through. Just to avoid confusion. Thanks for reading!!]

After the amazing shower I had with him, I looked at us in the steamed mirror.

"I wonder what I'm gonna look like bald."

"Stop thinking about it,"

"Why can't I think about it?"

"That means I have to think about it and honestly, I'd kiss your bald little head forever."

"Does this mean you're my boyfriend now?"

"Honey, I was yours when you hit me smack dab in the middle of the hallway when we first met."


"Oh yeah, ask Joe."

"Now, I'm gonna have to."

I giggled. That drove him nuts when I did that.

"It's good to hear laughter come out of you. I hate it when you cry."

His cell phone went off and I could hear it from where I stood. He, in a towel, ran to grab it.

"You're checking me out again, huh Linds?"

"I just know what's under that towel." I said laughing.

"Keep thinking of what's underneath this and there's not gonna be anyway we make it to Virginia on time."

"Don't you mean Omaha?"

"That too,"

My cell phone rang. It could only be one person.

"Lindsay, where the hell have you been? Why the hell haven't you answered your phone?"

"Sara," I said. "I've had a rough night."

"I know you're disappointed they scrapped the idea but that's no reason to not answer a phone."

"There's more to it."

"Should I ask?"

I sat there telling Sara where I was heading. Silence was all I heard on the other end of the phone.

"Oh, honey, I'm so sorry. Don't worry. I'll talk to Stephanie and Paul. They'll understand."

"Thanks, Sara." was all I could manage between choking back sobs.

"Do you want anyone there with you?"

"I would. I don't wanna do this alone and I don't want Colby to lose screen time or anything."

Luckily, Colby wasn't here. He went to pack the car.

"I'll run it past them when we're done here. I want you to get better."

"I will be."

Sara agreed.

"I'm going to go and talk to Stephanie. I'll get in touch with you again soon, okay, Honeybee?"


"Tell Seth that we'll push back the Shield segment as far as we can so he can get some time in with you before your treatment."

He came back into the room. I looked at him.

"Do you want to talk to him?"

"Yeah actually,"

I handed my phone to Colby.

"Who is it?" He mouthed to me.

"Sara." I said.

He smirked and started talking.

"Hey, Sara."

"Listen, I'm gonna talk to Stephanie and Paul. See what's going to happen. I'll be in contact but as far as I know, you're still gonna have to go to Roanoke."

"I figured. I just don't want to leave her alone."

"I know. You're a decent guy, Seth."

She referred to every talent by that name not their given name. I laughed. I had to. If I didn't, I would cry and I'm not going to cry in front of anyone right now.  Colby hit end on my phone and gave it back to me.

"You're going to Omaha when I hear you're gonna be safe and not alone."

He sounded adamant and looked drop dead gorgeous without his shirt on, I had to admit it. I also had to admit that I had no one else right now. I couldn't continue to be strong like this. I looked at Colby.

"Do you have a number for Jo?"

"Sorry, Bug, I don't."

I stared out the window. I had no idea what would happen next to me or my career. Times like these I wish I had my mother. Unfortunately, my mother wasn't an option. Colby walked over to me and put his arm around me.

"We're gonna get through this together, Lindsay. I'm not leaving."

I smiled and snuggled against him. I got ready to leave. Dressed in my sweats, my hoody and white cross trainers, I got into his car.

"Are you ready to go?"

"Do I have a choice?"


"Then yeah, I guess I'm ready to go."

As Colby started the car, I heard the phone ring with Motorhead. I left that as Paul's ringtone. Corporate ringtone and all. I answered.


"Lindsay, it's Paul. How're you doing?"

"Do you want honesty or do you want me to smile and wave?"


"I feel like I'm going through hell."

"We all get like that. It'll get better."

"I hope so."

"I talked to Sara and Steph. They want you to get better. You're an amazing talent. Sara is going to meet you in Omaha. She's gonna stay with you for a while then we'll send you someone else."

"I appreciate that."

"You're a rising star. You get special treatment occasionally."

I laughed.

"Colby will stay with you tonight and take the corporate jet back to Roanoke when Sara gets there."

"So I get one more night with him?"


I smiled.

'That's what I wanted. I know how this goes, Paul. I'm ready for anything."

"Now that's a WWF Diva. WWE Divas are" He said making me chuckle.

"That's what I wanted to hear out of you, Lindsay. You keep your faith and we'll be here when you get back."


"Good luck and a healthy recovery." Paul said ending the call. I smiled and nestled against Colby as he drove. He looked down at me.

"You're definitely special, Bug."

I felt my eyes close and I drifted off to sleep.

A Chink in the Armor (WWE Fan Fic)#Wattys2014Where stories live. Discover now