Chapter 41

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After spending a day full of laughter and love with his family, Colby and I went to his room. He saw my bump for the first time.

"Do they know how many are in there? It looks kinda big for one at this point."

"I don't know. I go for an ultrasound when we hit Des Moines,"

"That's the day after tomorrow."

"Yup. Doctor Goran has me set up for one. Are you going to be able to go?"

"Nothing would stop me. What time is the appointment?"


"Okay. I'm sure everyone will go crazy once they find out about the baby's gender."

"Do we wanna know that?"

"I do. I wanna know if it's a Christopher Colby or Elena whatever her middle name will be."



"What is your mother's middle name?"


I smiled. I wasn't sure how many or what they would would be but I know one thing for certain; they're gonna be loved. Colby looked at me.

"You know what's happening tonight, right?"

"Umm, no."

"Then, I won't tell you."

I looked at him.

"Why are you being weird?"

"Just trust me, okay. I got a surprise or two for you."

"Okay," I said skeptically.

"One happens tomorrow before we go to Des Moines."

"Umm, okay." I said.

I got ready for bed in my Pink sweats and a tank top.

"None of my clothes are fitting me again." I said.

He giggled at me.

"Honey, you're pregnant. They won't fit. I'll help you find some stuff when we hit Des Moines."

"The sweats fit. I'm wearing these when we take off."

He laughed at me.

"What's so funny, Mister Lopez?" I asked.

"The fact that the sweats help you."

"Stephanie won't let me be on camera in sweat pants so I better enjoy it now while I can." I said.

Cuddled up with Colby made me happy, which is something I hadn't experienced in a long time.

The next morning, Marta, Maria, and Colby's sister, Esme talked to each other.

"Esta Lindsay, Tu hermano's novia." (This is Lindsay, your brother's girlfriend) Marta said.

Esme stuck her hand towards me.

"Well it's about time my brother finally finds a decent girlfriend. Crap he's dated in the past make me just wanna kick them out to the curb no trash can required." Esme said.

I laughed. Esme looked at my tummy.

"Oh my god, Mom. You didn't tell me she was preggo."

Esme looked at me.

"Do you mind if I touch?" she asked.

"Go ahead, you're the aunt."

She shrieked out a yay and put her hand on my tummy.

"Wow, that's a spirited baby in there."

She moved her hand.

"Either that's Michael Phelps in there or you're having twins."

I looked at Marta.

"I thought I was the only one who was thinking that."

"Nope. Esme is really good at that kind of thing. She's predicted a lot of family pregnancies with such spot on accuracy."

I wanted to panic. Instead, I sat down as Marta offtered me some hot cocoa and a croissant.

"Thank you."

"It's no problem."

I heard Colby coming down the stairs. He walked into the kitchen and was promptly slapped on the back by his sister.

"Congratulations on the twins, Bro. You gonna name any of them after me when it comes out youre having 'em?"

Colby looked at his sister.

"Bite your tongue."


I sat there and watched as Colby and Esme went back and forth. I could feel the baby moving around in my body and almost thought for a second there were two of them. I had decided on names for them.

"Niella Esme and Elena Maria stop now."

It was as if the entire house stopped. Colby looked at me.

"When did you decide those names?"

"I did about thirty seconds ago, Why?"

He came over to me and hugged me. He then put his ear to my stomach.

"Alright girls, you heard your mother. Stop now,"

It was that moment, they stopped bouncing around and listened to him. He then, before standing back up, kissed my tummy and then kissed my cheek.

"Te amo mucho, mi bella novia."

I smiled as we ate breakfast. Before packing, Marta gave me something wrapped happily in the comics section of the newspaper.

"I didn't have time to get wrapping paper but you understand."

"I do." I said laughing.

I undid the paper and inside was a dress and shawl.

"Thank you, it's pretty."

"It's perfect for you."

I smiled as I looked at the red coloring.

"How do you know it'll fit me?"

"A mother knows."

I smiled happily. I didn't want to leave my family. They were just as much a part of me as Jessica and my siblings. Colby looked at me.

"I have one special surprise for you, sweetheart."

I looked at him oddly.

"What is it?"

He ran to the door and behind it I saw my dad.

A Chink in the Armor (WWE Fan Fic)#Wattys2014Where stories live. Discover now