Chapter 24

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Where we started first was a mall called Westroads. It was new to me. Colby looked at me.

"Where are we heading first, Bug?"

"Abercrombie and Fitch, I wanna go in alphabetical order."

He laughed as we walked into the store. I went to the female section and he went to the male side. I started looking at graphic tees and a pair of jeans. One of the employees came over to me.

"You know you can't wear..." she looked down at my slippers. "THOSE in here."

"Listen I need to buy clothing and all I had were four inch heels. I can't walk a mall in those."

"Not my problem." She said.

"Listen, I came in here to spend money and I'm going to shop. My boyfriend is on the other side. He can even verify the fact that I wore my shoes yesterday and how much it took me to put them on today."

"I don't care. You can't wear those slippers in our store." she said.

"Can I talk to your manager?"

"Hang on," she said rudely. She walked over to another woman probably in her mid twenties. I saw how they talked before coming over to me.

The manager walked over to me.

"Can I help you with something?"

"I was looking at your shirts and I intended to spend some money in here when your clerk told me that I needed to leave because I'm wearing slippers instead of four inch heels."

"Normally, we don't allow people dressed like a street walker in our stores. It's bad for the other shoppers.."

I looked around  the area I was in and saw four teenage girls throughout the entire section.

"So, you're saying me wearing these slippers is bad when one of those girls over there are wearing flip flops. That's cute. I want to shop for clothes I can wear."

"Adriana," The manager called to the rude clerk.

"Yeah, Mel?"

"Find her boyfriend and have them both taken out of this store."

Adriana went looking in the mens' section. I pulled my cell phone out and texted Colby. He came within a minute.

"What's up, Bug?"

"I want to leave this store. They're telling me I can't shop in here in slippers."

"Whatever you want, Bug. You want to go, we'll go."

"I want to leave."

Adriana looked at him.

"Oh my God, You're Seth Rollins!"

"Yeah, and this is my girlfriend Lindsay."

"I didn't know." Adriana said.

"Next time, it shouldn't matter who someone is before you give them service. We're out of here."

He took my hand and we walked out of the store. We walked to the next store which was Aeropostale.

"You want to try here," he asked.

"A quick look won't hurt. Do you wanna go in or you wanna stay out here?"

"I'll stay out here. If you have any trouble, text me."


I went into Aero and was greeted kindly by a young woman.

"Hi, welcome to Aero, I'm Shelby."

A Chink in the Armor (WWE Fan Fic)#Wattys2014Where stories live. Discover now