Chapter 19

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[Author's note: Sorry it's taken me so long to update. I had issues going on BUT I'm back. Oh and be aware, I might melt the circuit boards with this next chapter. :) ~LG~]

The next day, Iyanla comes into Lindsay's room. Seeing Colby cuddled close to her, made the news she had to bring all the more painstaking. Moving, blinking his eyes, he looked up at the nurse.

"Hello, Iyanla," he said in the dreamy voice he had.

"Hey, hey, hey. How're you doing, Colby?"

"I'm alright."

"Well, I came to tell you something the doctor told me earlier."

"What's that?"

"Lindsay has a free day today. The doctor wants her out circulating in the world to see how she responds to things before they do the chemo Monday afternoon."

It was Thursday morning and Lindsay, peacefully snuggled in Colby's arms, slept.

"Do you think she can have her hair styled by someone, I know exactly where I want to take her."

"I do believe that can be arranged for you,"


As Iyanla took Lindsay's vitals, Lindsay dreams of her night.

The restaurant was lit with a million candles, or so it would appear. Lindsay, dressed in her favorite little black dress and amazing heels, held the arm of Colby. He looked into her eyes before tipping the waiter.

"Here's one hundred dollars. Do not let anyone disturb us."

"But, of course, sir." The Maitre D' said.

The Maitre D; left them and Colby pulled out her chair, kissing her neck.

"You know you didn't have to go to this extreme," She said blushing.

"There's nothing too good for you, Love." He said.

After pushing in her chair, he seated himself at the table. A waiter came to them with a cart containing a bucket of ice and a bottle of wine.

"I'm shocked. I've never consumed alcohol before, Colby." Lindsay says.

"There's a first time for everything."

The waiter pours the wine in their glasses. Colby taking his, raises his glass.

"Here's to the most beautiful woman I've ever met. I love you, Lindsay."

Blushing, Lindsay smiles and sips her wine. Colby then pulls from his suit, a box marked Tiffany & Co.



"I know it's not much but I want you to know you're the only thing on my mind. I have plans to marry you as soon as I can. It can be in the ring, it could be vegas, I don't care. I love you with all of my heart and this ring signifies my truest devotion to you and the pledge that sometime soon, I want to marry you. Will you accept this promise ring?"

Lindsay, choked up and wiping her eyes, looks at Colby.

"You've seen me through the darkest of my days. I love you and yes, I will. I want to be your wife whenever and wherever we can."

He slides the simple platinum band on her hand and kisses her palm.

"Durante toda mi vida, mi amor" (For all of my life, my love.) He says.

A Chink in the Armor (WWE Fan Fic)#Wattys2014Where stories live. Discover now