Chapter 6

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The next morning, Colby's phone woke us both and I stared at him.

"Who is it?"

He looked.

"Oh God, it's Joe." He said.

"Want me to leave the room?" I asked.

"No, you need to be here for this or he won't ever believe me."

"Umm, okay,"

Colby answered the phone.

"DUDE WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU?" A deep voice said over the speaker.

"I told Jon to tell you where I was."


"Whoa, stop yelling."

"I thought some jack wipe killed you or something. Let me guess you're at some hotel with some cheap ho and she jacked your money."

"You're partially right. I'm at a hotel."

"Dude was it one of the ones they charge by the hour? How'd you sleep? How's the TV?"

"No, Well and Okay."

"You seriously aren't even gonna tell me what happened to you?"

I took that moment to say something polite.

"Hi Joe."

He went silent for the briefest of seconds.

"Dude, take me off speaker phone now."

Colby took the speaker phone off and I could still hear Joe talking to him.

"Yeah, I know. Stop giving me a lecture. I understand. Creative got to Jon and you about this whole thing. They picked, They're telling us tomorrow when we get back. Figures they would. I'm gonna enjoy the day with the best girl in the world right now."

I couldn't make out what Joe said but from Colby's response I figured out that part.

"Dude, I'm not with my mom. I'm with yours." He said with one last jab before ending the call.

"Those two are some of the best guys ever." He said.

"So they picked, huh?"

"Yup. Whatever the outcome, Gorgeous, you won't lose me."

I looked at him almost in tears.

"What's wrong, hon?" He asked me.

"What am I gonna do if I'm not picked?"

'It won't matter to me if you are or aren't. I'm crazy for you, Gorgeous."

Hearing him tell me that, made my heart skip a beat. My brain, however, put the brakes on in a split second. Knowing what I did about myself, I couldn't love anyone. Hell, I couldn't love myself.  I smiled through the pain I was thinking.

"What's wrong?" He asked me.

"It's nothing."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, I'm okay."

His look of concern didn't change.

"I know something's bugging you."

"I just want to know if I'm picked or not. That's all."

He looked at me, still concerned but more at ease.

"If you're not, like I said, it won't change how I feel about you."

I smiled and kissed his chest.

A Chink in the Armor (WWE Fan Fic)#Wattys2014Where stories live. Discover now