Chapter 10

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The plane took off Kennedy Airport to land in Omaha in a few hours. Colby wanted to drive it but chose not to after realizing it was an eighteen hour drive. I had started to feel sick. He got me settled next to him.

"You know when this plane lands, I'm not checking you into a hospital just yet. I have something special for you first."

"What do you mean by 'special'?"

He smirked.

"I mean special. You deserve a night that will remind you of me every time you think of it."

"That's nice." I said drifting off to sleep again. My Ipad was in my lap. I didn't realize anything that happened. I fell asleep. An hour must have passed because I started to stir when I heard the seatbelt signal ding. I noticed Colby with my Ipad.

"What are you doing?"

"Nothing. I just wanted to move this so you didn't break it or anything." He said smiling.

"Why do I think when you say 'nothing' it ultimately means 'something'?"

"I'm not telling if it is or isn't. I just moved it so you wouldn't drop it." He said.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, I'm your pilot, Jackson Marrell and my co pilot today is Steven Larson and it's going to be partly cloudy and cool in Omaha today. For right now, we're passing over the great state of Pennsylvania. We here at United hope you enjoy the rest of your flight."

I relaxed next to Colby who started to read a book.

'What are you reading?" I asked him.

"It's nothing." He said.

I looked at the yellow and black cover and saw it was one of the "Dummies" books.

"What are you trying to learn about, Honey?" I asked.

"Do you wanna know?" He asked.


"I'm learning about Cancer. You need as much support as possible and I'm gonna learn what I can about it."

I snuggled against him.

"You're the sweetest guy ever."

"Eh, I'm just me. Oh, do you wanna know what I did with your Ipad?"


"I left you something for whenever you miss me." He said. Then he kissed me.

About an hour later, the plane landed in the airport and we exited the plane. He grabbed our luggage and got a car. We then went to the hospital.

"Hello, my name is Lindsay Sutton. I'm here to check in for treatment.'

"Hello Miss Sutton, I'm Rachel. Who's this fine young man."

"My boyfriend."

"Pleasure to meet you both, if you would follow me. We need to get you prepped for a CT scan, an X-ray, an MRI and a lumbar puncture."

Colby followed us. I was so scared of everything, I didn't want him to leave me. He took my hand as we went to a room. Rachel looked at him then at me.

"Here, this is for you. I know it's not all that gorgeous but it'll be easiest for us to do the tests. I'll be back in five minutes and you..." she said to Colby. "No funny business. You understand?" She said with a smirk.

"Absolutely not. I will not do anything to make this indecent." He said.


Rachel left and Colby looked at me.

A Chink in the Armor (WWE Fan Fic)#Wattys2014Where stories live. Discover now