Chapter 31

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Colby hadn't left my side the rest of the weekend. He told me Jon hit it off with Clarissa but wasn't going into detail. Colby held me close the Sunday before he left at our last night at the hotel.

"I'm going to miss this place."

"I am too. For this past week, I felt normal." I said.

"I'll miss you but I know two months will fly by before we know it. You'll be back as Chloe Lindsay and I'll be your bodyguard."

"You're the corporate bodyguard not just mine."

"I know this but still."

Nestled in the bed I called ours for the past week, I fell asleep. I didn't want Monday to come. I would have turned back clocks, changed the date everywhere, I didn't care. I knew what I needed to do. I needed to get better, go back to work and kick some ass. Paul and Stephanie sent me a lengthy inboxed email about my character.

"Dear Lindsay,

First of all, I hope that this email finds your body, mind and spirit at full capacity. I saw the outfits your planning for Chloe and I love it. You look professional and you have the certain it factor in some of those outfits. I'm truly impressed.

I mentioned to you about the corporate assistant angle. That's what I'm going for looks wise. I think that looks great. You did amazingly well.

Do you know when you should be able to return? The storyline will be starting in a few months. If you need them, we'll talk to Doctor Sampson about an oncologist. Whatever you need, we'll provide. We're a family and we want what's best not just for business but for our talents as well.

Hopefully all goes well with your chemo and we'll hear back soon. ~Stephanie."

There was an addendum from Paul.

"P.S. Lindsay, We'll keep Colby updated on your progress, the finer points of your character are almost finished. When you can, give me a call and we'll go over it with you either via Skype or over the phone. Thank you, ~Paul"

I smiled looking at Colby. He was partially awake.



"I got a message from Paul n Steph. My character is almost done."

"That's nice."

I felt bad for him. He worked out last night with Jon who couldn't stop talking about Clarissa. Then after one more night of romance, he wore himself out. I kissed his cheek and got out of bed. I looked at my body. I took one last look before my chemo later today.  My phone vibrated and I looked at it. It was Sara.

"Hey baby girl. How's the last day of vacation?"

"Painful. I will miss him so much."

"He'll miss you just as much, I'm sure. You've got two months to get most of the chemo started. I talked to Doc S about getting an oncologist on board for ya. He didn't have a problem and has one lined up for ya already. Oh, I talked to Stephanie. If you wanted, when we're on the road, and if she wants to come along Iyanla is welcome to join you."

"I'll talk to her about it but I think she won't go. She has the kids."

"I understand. Enjoy your last day of freedom. Oh, Chris was here for you."

"My dad was there?"

"Yeah. He wants to sit with you for a week while you're going through Chemo."

"I can't wait to see him."

"He says he'll be back after his tour. He's got a month left."

"That's awesome." I said back.

"What's awesome, Bug?"

"My dad is coming to see me at the clinic after his tour."

"He's awake. I'll let you two go. Talk soon." Sara said.


I ended the call and walked over to Colby.

"Good afternoon, Handsome." I said plopping myself on the bed next to him.

"Shit, really, it's afternoon?"

"12:31 to be exact."

"I slept through most of this day."

"Well, I wore you out, 'member?"

"This is true."

I looked at his naked torso and started to kiss him. He pulled me closer to him.

"You do realize you keep kissing me, I'm going to have move this blanket."

'Do we really have to go back to normal?"

"Yeah, sadly. Hey look at it like this, in two months we'll be together again."

"I can't wait."

"You just focus on chemo. I'll wait for you to come back."

"Alright, guess we should get up, huh?"

"What is one more snuggle?"

He pulled the blanket over us and he kissed me one more time. By four that day, I was back at the clinic. Iyanla was the first to see me.

'Girly, you're back! I missed ya. How was your vacation?"

"I had a blast."

Colby came in with me. Iyanla looked at him.

"You took excellent care of my lindybean. You're alright."

"I wouldn't do anything else but care for her. I love her."

Sara came out of the bathroom and saw me come back. She hugged me tight.

"Wait! There's something different about you..."

I smiled. Colby looked at me before he left.

"I love you, Linds, I'll be back before you know it."

I kissed him and whispered I love you in his ear before he left me. Changing into a hospital gown and my "Pink" Varsity sweats, I hopped into bed. Sara looked at me.

"So, why do you look so different to me?"

"I'm in love. Duh!"

"No no no, there's more to it. What is it?"

Iyanla looked at me too.

"Wait a sec. Did you.." Iyanla asked.

"Did I what?" I asked.

Sara looked at me as did Iyanla.

"You didn't." Iyanla asked..

'I didn't what? I don't get it."

I blushed because I knew what they were asking. Iyanla laughed.

"Girl you done did the nasty with that boy!"

"I plead the fifth,"

"That there doesn't work with a mother, you know that right?"

My smile grew wider.


I blushed. Iyanla kissed my forehead.

"I knew something was different. You do realize me and that boy will be having a talk."

"I know."

Sara looked at us.

"I'm going to be sitting in on that conversation too, Y'know."

I sat there smiling.

"I'm lucky to have the two of you."

They smile back at me. The doctor comes in shortly after and introduces himself.

"Hello my name is Doctor Cook. I'm here to administer your chemotherapy."

"Hi, Doctor." I said.

After an hour, I felt woozy and tired. I closed my eyes and slipped into the darkness.

A Chink in the Armor (WWE Fan Fic)#Wattys2014Where stories live. Discover now