Chapter 51

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Sitting there stoically and paralyzed with fear. I looked at him.

"What do you mean 'it's what's best for business'?" I ask.

The camera came peering into the room as he explained.

"Just watch tonight. I'm going to do something so malicious to your precious hound..."

"Leave him alone."


I looked at him.

"What do you mean by no?"

"Just watch, sweetheart. You'll see."

He kissed me again on camera and left. I sat there nearly in tears. Colby came in after seeing what happened.

"What the hell was that?" He asked.

"I don't know."

"If he comes in here again, scream."

"I will."

I bit back the warning I had for him. Instead I heard a producer tell Colby to assume his position with the other guys for their promo. I prayed things went well. I couldn't watch what was going to happen.


The camera showed Ambrose, Rollins and Reigns together in the back someplace cutting their promo.

"The WWE has changed since we've arrived." Ambrose says.

Rollins looked into the camera.

"Orton, you best be thankful we watch over you and that title. It could be snatched at anytime by anyone."

Reigns smirks.

"Don't think for one second we can't take them ourselves. You, of all people, should believe in the Shield."

All of a sudden, during their promo, Randy Orton pops up on the screen.

"Hey, bitches, I got lucky. I'm in the back somewhere. I'm stalking a precious angel named Chloe. Any guess as to why? Well,"

Rollins growled as Reigns kept him back.

"I plan on crippling you, Rollins. I plan on stealing your life. How do you like that?"

Seth did what he could to restrain himself from Orton.

"You touch her, you won't have hands to touch anything else!"

"Come at me," Randy taunted as he came back into the office and pulled Lindsay up by her arms.

"I'll kill you!"

Rollins runs back to the office as the screen shows Randy kissing Lindsay. Shortly after he arrives, he looks at Randy.

"Let's take this to the ring." He says.

Randy smirks.

"Let's not." He says before he pulls Lindsay in for another kiss. Seth, visibly irritated, punches Randy. Randy shakes it off and pushes Lindsay aside.

"We'll finish that later." He says as he turns and RKO's Rollins again into the desk. He then leaves as Lindsay rushes to him.


 A week passes. Confusion hit me like nothing else in the world. I waited for the results from Colby's MRI and prayed nothing serious happened. The landing of the RKO through the desk looked awkward. He complained of a concussion and I sat there waiting. A nurse came out to me and escorted me to the exam room where Colby was.

"A doctor will be in shortly." She said.

I panicked. I didn't know what would happen. Colby sensed my fear.

A Chink in the Armor (WWE Fan Fic)#Wattys2014Where stories live. Discover now