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     It hummed and hummed as it drilled deeper and deeper into the earth. It would get to earth's core, but it had other plans besides studying it. Finally it hit bed rock. After that it would get to the core..........and destroy it.

They sat at a booth in Dellingtons, eating there ice creams in silence. Henry cleared his throat, breaking the quiet.
"Hey lucky, do you think the things ever gonna work?" She looked intently at him, and smiled.
"Of course, just you wait and see. Anyways, why wouldn't it? You are a genius. Especially how you programmed it to have a mind, that is so amazing, who could think of that? You!"
Henry blushed at the compliments, Savanna could always make him feel good, even if he was so sad that he couldn't lift his head up. She laughed and told him that there was no need to blush, all of the things that she had just told him was true, and that he should keep trying to make his experiment work. Henry was soooooo lucky to have her as his best friend. She always could cheer him up, and always had his back.

Savanna was glad she had cheered him up, as they ate the rest of their ice creams they had friendly chats. It was funny, because some of them were so random. One moment they could be talking about the project, the next it was fish, than Biology, the list went on and on. All the sudden she heard screams and a low grinding and rumbling sound that echoed and reverberated in her skull. She looked right and left for answer. That was when she saw it, a big crack had appeared in the floor. But how?

Henry gawked at the crack in disbelief. How did it happen? He looked at Savanna and knew right away that she was thinking the exact same thing. The the answer hit him like a bullet in the head, the experiment. He bolted for the door and ran to his car, he didn't bother telling Savanna, he knew that she would be hot on his heels. But when he turned around he saw no one......but a big gaping whole. She must have fell, or she is hanging on waiting to be rescued. The second part, he hoped. Without knowing what he was doing he ran straight towards the the gaping whole. Right as he was about to jump in a voice hissed to him.
"I wouldn't do that."
It was a woman, who looking at her, couldn't be older than Henry himself. Beside her was a man, he was buff and right below him was someone who was motionless, and appeared to be dead. Tears formed in eyes, he knew who it was.

Savanna woke up on a hard floor, recalling what had happened. One moment she had been running after Henry, the next she heard something whistle towards her, and than everything had gone black. She surveyed the room, or at least tried to, it was almost completely pitch dark. But she could just make out a figure on the ground. With a sickening lurch along with a few tears she realized who it was, Henry. Then she gasped with a sigh of relief, and wiped her eyes. He was alive! As if he could hear her thoughts he groaned and sat up. She started giggling uncontrollably. He looked at her like she was crazy, and she couldn't blame him, at that moment she was a very odd site indeed.
"Am I dead?" He mumbled.
"No silly, we are both alive we are just in a place called....." She trailed off, where were they?
Then she got serious. They both did.

Another figure entered the conversation.
" Yea, your awake, now first things first" she took out a stun gun and pointed it at them. "You are going to tell me why you two built a machine that ends the world. Who's first?"

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