Bad Puns

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Look at that majestic creature

Ratchet: Why is there a picture of a horse in a Transformers book...

Optimus: Why hasn't the man in my closet who always asks me if I want a ride in his Space Ship gone away...

Ratchet: Wait what *_*

Optimus: Nothing.

Knockout: Oh would you two stop... HORSING around?

Optimus and Ratchet: .....

Knockout: Ha ha?

Ratchet: Wow.... that was.. a REALLY bad punt, Knockout.

Knockout: =(

Optimus: Anybody else have any pathetic horse punts that they want to share?

Bulkhead: It looks like your all having a HOOF of a time...

Bumblebee: HAHAHAHAHA no.

Ratchet: Anyone else?

Megatron: Why don't we all TROT on down to the movie store and get a bunch of HAY-larious movies and LOOSEN the REINS a bit and relax?

Miko: KKKKKKKNNNnnghhh Bad pun overload... *passes out *

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