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Optimus: *is in his room looking for a lost datapad* Ughhg where is it!? *reaches under bed and pulls out a human*

Girl: Hallo.

Optimus: BWAH! *drops her and jumps away*

Girl: Owch. :T

Optimus: .... How, the frag, did you get here?

Girl: Oh haha.... I was watching you sleep last night lol.

Optimus: O_o

Girl: I was trying to hypnotize you in your sleep. So uh.... you aren't getting this sudden urge to propose to Ratchet, are you?

Optimus: Erm.. no...

Girl: Dangit I failed...

Optimus: So why were you watching me sleep?

Girl: Oh lolz. Your just adorable :P

Optimus: Nn... I'm adorable you say? No, no no, I am.... manly. *awkwardly clears his throat*

Girl: Haha no your not.

Optimus: Yeah I'm gonna go talk to Ratchet.... *leaves the room*

Girl: *Smeagol voice* Come back, my preciiooouuss....

Optimus: Wtf...

*in main hangar*

Ratchet: ... did I just hear Smeagol? Nah... he only exists in Lord of the Rings.

Optimus: Ratchet I'm being stalked.

Girl: You guys should get married.

Optimus: ....she wants us to get married.


Optimus: and she's part Smeagol, apparently.

Ratchet: .. erm.. who are you?

Girl: I'm RAOAMO, short for Ratchet and Optimus are my OTP!

Ratchet: That's harder to pronounce than Supercalifragilisticexpialacocius!

Optimus: Super-california-lipstick-lotion-cactus?

Ratchet: Stop trying, Optimus.

Girl: You can call me Rao. Sooooooo....... *Smeagol voice* Kiss.

Optimus: I don't know how to make her go away...

Ratchet: *grabs a bottle* Fangirl Away Spray! *sprays her with it*

Rao: Aohepejekelejejejejwkwor! *rolls away*

Optimus: *takes bottle, rips off cap and dumps on his head* F-Finally... those fangirls... CAN'T COME NEAR ME!

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