Whose Line is it Anyway?

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Inspired by the show Whose Line is it Anyway~

Rao: OKAY! So, we're gonna play a game. I'm gonna read off scenes that the contestants have to reenact. No breaking character, no flaking out. Dealio?

Megs: This actually sounds fun.

OP: I'm not sure this is a valuable use of our time.

Ratch: Get in line.

Rao: OKAY! First subject goes to Megatron.

Megs: Let's do this.

Rao: Okie. *draws a piece of paper from a hat* You're topic is... 'Famous last words.'

Megs: *picks up a bottle*

Megs: *reads the label*

Megs: ....

Megs: It says RAT poison, not HUMAN poison...

Rao: What a way to go.

Rao: Okay, Optimus, you're up.

OP: Ohno.

Rao: Yours is.... 'If drill sargeants did other jobs.'

OP: Oh that one's easy.

OP: *stands up*

OP: *clears throat*


Rao: Jesus. Okay, Ratchet's up. 'Unlikely superheroes.'

Ratch: *stands up*

Ratch: It's me, Run Away From Danger Man.

Ratch: ....

Ratch: *runs off screen*

Rao: Alright! Back to Meggo. 'Bad choices for pets.'

Megs: Optimus come be my prop.

OP: Mmkay.

Megs: *stands up* Here, velociraptor!

OP: *runs and attacks*

Rao: Jurassic World says differently.

Rao: OP, you're up again. 'Weird things to say in a sexy voice'.

OP: *stands up*

OP: *sexy voice*

OP: We are gathered here today....

Rao: Noice! Ratch, you're turn. 'Dumbest way to die.'

Ratch: *stands up*

Ratch: Wow. It sure is stuffy in this submarine.

Ratch: I'll just open up this window.

Rao: same. Megs, back to you! 'Things you shouldn't do after heavy drinking'.

Megs: *stands up*

Megs: this is your captain speaking....

Rao: OP, you have 'worst things to say on day one in prison'.

OP: *stands up* Who here likes to crochet!?

Rao: Watch it buster. Ratch, you're up. 'First draft of famous movie lines.'

Ratch: *stands up*

Ratch: Luke, I am your second uncle twice removed.

Rao: Back to Megs. 'Weird things to protest about'.

Megs: *stands up holding a sign* SIGNS COST TOO MUCH!!!

Rao: True. OP, your turn. 'Things you do NOT hear in science documentaries.'

OP: *stands up*


Rao: Ratch, 'things you don't expect to hear when you hold a seashell to your ear'.

Ratch: *stands up*

Ratch: 'Put me down.'

Rao: Megs! You have 'Bad motivational speeches from parents.'

Megs: *stands up*

Megs: You wanna be a TEACHER!? Bank robbers make double the money!

Rao: Okay, OP. 'Good news and bad news.'

OP: *stands up*

OP: The GOOD news is... We're going to name a disease after you...

Rao: AND that concludes our game, inspired by Whose Line is it Anyway! Who do YOU think won?

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