How to properly insult someone...

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Optimus: Ratchet I'm booooorrreed! *flops on the keyboard of the computer*

Ratchet: ... *pushes off* No.

Optimus: ...................... you wanna mock Megatron with me?

Ratchet: :3 okie


Ratch and OP: *watching Megatron sweep the floor*

Ratchet: Megatron, have you seen that bot in the other room that hides from idiots?

Megatron: *stops sweeping* No, why?

Optimus: *giggles*

Ratchet: Omg...


Megatron: *thinks for a second* Hey I get it!!! Wait... that's what you- LITTLE GLITCH I'LL BEAT THE LIVING SPARK OUT OF YOU!

Optimus: Ratch, why did the chicken cross the road?

Ratchet: IDK >.<

Optimus: To get to the annoying brat's house.

Megatron: ..

Optimus: Megatron, knock knock?

Megatron: Who's there?

Optimus: Pfffft..... The chicken XP

Ratchet: :D

Megatron: -.-

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