Chapter Twenty-Seven: Morning

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Summary: Dean prepares to face the day.

The room was still quite dark, although it was late morning. Dean was still flat on his back in sweats, bathrobe, and slippers, head back, mouth open, and dead to the world. He had not moved at all, because any movement niggled at his sleeping mind that he hurt.

Watari knocked on the door, bringing in a breakfast tray.

Dean made the mistake of jerking awake and a sharp cry came out before he clamped down on his lips to quiet himself. He hissed softly and lay flat, realizing he hadn't moved.

"Damn! That hurt like hell. I'm sorry, Watari. I guess I didn't move last night. Every muscle I didn't use while I slept is telling me it's got knots and lots of little cramps. That's not counting the gunshot wounds and the breaks. What a way to start the day. Give me a few moments to negotiate with myself and see if I can't get out of this bed." Dean halfway laughed as he said it.

"If you can sit up, I'll see what I can do to aid you." He set the tray down.

Dean used all the strength in his left arm and side to heave himself up. He turned white but managed it.

"You know, you really don't realize how much you need both sides."

He nodded, setting out medicines and a glass of water. Once Dean was in position, Watari massaged the aching muscles of the rest of the body to help loosen them so the hunter could move.

Dean had not realized how much the stress of the night before had tensed his muscles, and sleeping flat on his back with no movement had not allowed them to unkink, stretch, and relax. He bit his lip a number of times, grunted once or twice when one was really knotted. When Watari was done, the hunter looked at him and nodded gratefully, saying, "Thank you."

"You're welcome. Come and take your meds before you can eat."

Dean slowly moved his slipper clad feet over the side of the bed, then frowned. He still had on a robe and slippers? He knew he was tired, and he thought he remembered being dizzy, but not much of it. The look of surprise, amused Watari.

"You were fairly exhausted so we decided not to bother you by removing the robe or slippers." "You came in and checked on me during the night?" The surprise in the young man's voice was definitely audible.

He nodded. "L and I both did."

From the look on the hunter's face, Watari realized he didn't know how to respond to that. "I um...I...hell, Watari, that surprises me, but thank you."

"You are most welcome. Now come and take your medication so you can eat."

Dean took the pills and the glass of water, and swallowed them down, draining the water. "Where do you want me, Sir."

"There's a table here if you think you can manage?"

"Yeah, I think so, thank you." The older Winchester slowly moved to the table and sat in a chair. "What time is it?"

"Ten a.m.," he helped him get comfortable, pouring some hot tea for him. He knew Dean preferred coffee but strong caffeine was not allowed for the time being.

After staring at the hot beverage, a pair of confused green eyes gazed up at the older man.

"The doctors put you and Near on a special diet for a bit, especially you. Apparently, you've been eating the wrong foods for too long."

"There's something else wrong too? What's wrong with my food?

"Dean, how often do you eat vegetables?"

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