Chapter Forty-Nine: Hunt discussion...Dean and L

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Dean woke up early; the sun was just rising. He tried to go back to sleep, but couldn't. He got up and washed his face, restless. Stepping outside his room, he was not sure what he was doing. He had to move around. Something felt wrong to him. He knew he was safe here, so it was him. He was still dealing with that event and he'd seen the strange look on Watari's face when he spoke of making 1000-5000 on a good night, and he shivered. If Bobby'd known, he would probably have cornered him by now...maybe? Bobby was family. What the hell should he do? He walked the floors in the dark, barefooted, feeling like a wild cat that had been caged. Things inside him needed out, now. He felt trapped.

A soft voice intruded on Dean's musing. "You are up early," the detective observed.

The hunter jumped, and turned. "Damn, my skills are getting rusty. I can't sleep."

"Something seems to be weighing on your mind."

"I feel trapped inside of myself. It's like something is screaming let me out. I mentioned playing pool to Mello. He was talking friendly games and forumulas. I had to explain to him that I made a good portion of our income playing pool." Dean was quiet. "I can make 1000-5000 a night, if the pickings are good, L. I told Mello I was a hustler. The look on Watari's face confused me. Bobby paid no attention. He knows I do that. Bobby kept Sam and never got an explanation. Dad wouldn't have given one. Sam wouldn't have known. When we picked up Sam, I was black and blue and moved slowly. Bobby must've thought I got hurt in a hunt. I've lived so many lies in front of so many people, L. Don't know if I can keep doing that."

"Then end the lies, Dean. The only person to make that choice is you. If you are sick of trying to keep a specific mask up, then drop it and let it shatter. You must be honest with yourself above all. Bobby and Samuel are your family. Those two will not judge you in the long run."

"Sometime today, will you show the video to Bobby? I can't go through that video again, so I can't be there this time. I've been a lot of bad things in my life. I've been the cause of the deaths of innocent people. I've stolen, cheated, lied, and misled people. That's just what comes to mind at the moment. I want to remove Lilith, L. Then I want normal. I can't live it any more. It's not me. I don't want to be what I'm really not, any more."

"When you are physically and emotionally ready, you and some of my choosing will go after her. I have agents keeping alert for signs of her now that I know what to look for. Dean, you will go with a team. If you do not, I will pull you back and let them finish it. Agreed?"

Dean was quiet for a moment. Sam could not go. Ruby was using him in some way to hunt Lilith. He felt that it was a trap, but not sure how. "L, Sam cannot be on the team. Ruby was using him to find Lilith and kill her. Something is not right about that. Maybe there's plan. Maybe Lilith is more important to releasing Lucifer then we know. Cas thinks I'm supposed to prevent it. I don't trust anyone on either side except Cas, but he may be misled. Something's not right. Make sure we are going at it right, will you? You've got contacts and ways of getting info I don't. I'll work with a team."

"Sam was slated by agreement by Azazel and Ruby to break the final seal by killing Lilith at a specific location. Said location is being dealt with as we speak." He'd managed to get that much from her before Sam had...terminated her.

"She can die elsewhere, just not at a specific place? That's what you're saying?"

"Follow me. I have information to show you. Do NOT tell your brother this until I tell you it is safe to. He will be informed of this 'hunt' before you go but will not be allowed due to the issues."

"Okay. I agree. Lead on."

L led him to a private room where documents were spread out. The dark haired detective had spent all of his free time outside of cases and working with the brothers in this room, putting the puzzle together.

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