Chapter Thirty-Seven: Facing the Truth

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Watari was in Dean's room the following morning, bearing medicine and a breakfast tray.

Matt had gotten the short end of the stick to bring the meal to Sam, which he'd done under protest.

Dean was still asleep and, unusual for him, he didn't hear Watari enter.

The older man gently tapped his uninjured shoulder. "Dean?"

Dean's eyes opened slowly. "Watari? What time is it? Please tell me I didn't sleep half my day away again? Where's Sam?" The hunter sounded nervous when he asked the question. He looked and saw the covered tray and medicines. He nodded slowly, and rolled onto his good side so he could push himself up. He felt so out of it, and he wasn't sure what was going on in his head at the moment. A small smile crossed his face.

"What new food am I getting this morning, Watari?" The older man recognized an heroic attempt at normalcy.

"He's in his room at the moment. I'm sure Matt will be annoying him soon." He helped Dean to his feet.

"You have pancakes, apple slices, sausage."

"I hope you serve him the same food you serve me. He'll love it. How can I have sausage and pancakes on the new meal plan you have me on? Matt got him? Well, once things reach normal, they might just like each other." Dean sounded doubtful about normal, and swallowed hard as he headed to the table, reaching for the water and pills.

He smiled up at the older man, "What kind of tea am I learning to drink today?"

"Honestly, I doubt it. Matt.. seems to have lost quite a bit of respect for him. These pancakes are made from nuts and special grains. Sausage is turkey. And today's drink is one of my favorites, Earl Grey."

Matt sighed, plunking the tray on the table. "Hey, wake up!"

Dean took a sniff of the tea and smiled. It smells good. He took a small sip and the smile grew larger. Removing the lid, he was surprised by how good everything looked and smelled. He tried the pancakes. "Oh my gosh," he mumbled, swallowing quickly. "Sorry. It's great." After trying the sausage, he grinned up at Watari, "Can I come live with you?", he teased.

Sam had not slept, tossing and turning all night. He'd come to the realization that he had raped his brother's mind and had held him against his will, and forced him to even to come to him, when he was injured and in bed asleep. His eyes and nose were red from crying all night.

He rolled over and got out of bed. "Morning," he muttered.

Dean wouldn't quit talking, striving to keep any conversation away from what had happened the night before, and thought he was doing a pretty good job. He'd invited Watari to sit a moment, knowing the man would probably do so any way. It was more polite. He discussed all kinds of crazy things. Most of it made no sense in the context he was talking. He knew it, and he knew the other man knew it. The younger man was struggling not to panic or break down.

Watari sat down, pouring himself a cup of tea and listening to the babble. "It's up to you on the living thing, although I think you do have a job."

Matt pointed at the tray. "Food."

Dean swallowed, "I was teasing, Watari. The food is just that good today."

Sam could feel the dislike emanating from the boy. "Thank you. You don't have to stay if you don't want to, you know. You won't offend me."

He gave him a gentle smile. "I know, and I am pleased you are enjoying it."

"Orders," came the curt answer.

"Well, you are welcome to sit down if you've been ordered to endure me."

The red head did that, pulling a game device out of his pocket and focused on it. He was ready to short circuit L's computer for this.

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