Chapter One Hundred and Two: Classic Cars

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Dean pulled off the main highway and through a set a of iron gates. His brows raised as he looked at what lay before them.

It was a large property, obviously owned by wealthy people. Bobby shook his head. "I knew the kid's father...he loved to tinker with cars when he could."

"Why's he selling everything when they live like this? You said cars?"

"Yup.. and you'll see why when you meet Jake," he answered. When the car stopped, Bobby went to the front door and knocked. Moments later, the door was opened by a young man with a golden retriever at his side. The dog was a service dog for the blind.

Bobby introduced Sam and Dean. Dean held his hand out and gently touched the young man's hand.

"Thanks for giving me a chance to look at the cars you have that need rebuilding."

"You're welcome, Mr. Winchester. I've known Uncle Bobby all my life. He and my dad hunted together at times. If you'll follow me, I'll show you where he kept them. Dad loved to tinker when he had the time," he said with a smile.

"Thank you. I used to hunt with Bobby, myself. What's your dad's name?"

"Thomas Finnegan," he answered as he led them outside to a large building at the back of the house.

"I don't guess I knew him," Dean stared at Bobby, a question in his eyes. He stopped when they reached a large building. "Son of a..." There were several finished cars but also a half dozen classics in some semblance of disrepair. Dean's eyes were wide as he looked at them. Nothing was younger than a '65. All were in bad shape except the '57.

Dean looked at Sam, "If the shop can't afford these, I'm gonna make an offer from my pay from L. These can be rebuilt, Sam. These are classics."

Jake smiled. "This was my dad's hobby when I was home from school. He refused to hunt when I was home because I was at boarding school during the year. I know there's some that are finished, and I'd like for you to sell them for me.. with a generous commission of course. The rest, I'm willing to part with directly to you. I have titles to all of them. No legal issues at all."

"I have money put back for chances like this. I can give you $7500 for the six that need rebuilding. I can definitely get you good prices on the ones that are finished, that's if they run as sweet as they look. I'd take them to car shows where the collectors go."

Sam piped up then. "Hells, I could build a website to pull in collectors too."

Jake nodded. "In truth, we'll have a contract drawn up for the finished ones. The quote for the metal was at that amount for the ones that need work so I know you're being fair. I also have to ask if you'd be interested in something else." He headed carefully through the 'show room' area and guided them to mechanics area where all the up to date equipment was kept.

Dean stood and stared around him.

"I won't use these, no way to. I'd rather see it go to someone who could use it," he told them. Bobby's eyes were huge as he took in the equipment.

Dean's voice was low and awe stricken, when he asked, "How much?"

He quoted a price that was on the low side but the older hunter knew that Jake was just wanting to get rid of them.

Dean began contemplating his savings. He knew he had more than enough but he'd have to build and sell a lot of cars to make up for it, but damn! He looked at Jake.

"I'll buy it."

Sam nodded at his brother. The shop had enough squirreled away to cover for it, and this could be written off as a business expense. Jake smiled. "I'm glad. If you three will step into the house, I can have my attorney draw up the contracts and bill of sale."

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