Chapter Twenty-Eight: Coping with Bobby's Books

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"Ready to meet the others?"

"Yes, Sir, I am."

"All right then." He opened the bedroom door for Dean, letting him leave the room.

The hunter stepped into the hallway, not sure which way to go. He hesitated, waiting for the older man.

Watari led him to an elevator and up several floors, which opened into one large room. Near was sitting close to L, both typing and occasionally murmuring to each other. Bobby was cracking up at something Mello was saying while Matt was trying to rescue one of the laptops from the chocolate bar that was getting dangerously close to the screen during Mello's descriptions of something. "I leave those two alone for a few moments," the old man muttered then laughed.

Dean stood in the entrance, taking everything in, a grin on his face. He still found himself wishing Sam was there to share in everything. He felt naked at times without him. He shook it off and the grin returned.

Matt looked up and spotted him, waving him over with a bright smile.

Dean moved slowly but headed over to the others.

The red head's grin grew brighter. "Good to see you. Watch out for the carnage of Mello on chocolate."

Dean's grin broadened, "Sugar high, or is it the caffeine in the chocolate?"

"We haven't figured the answer to that one yet." Mello made a face at Matt's answer, grinned at Dean and went back to telling his story to Bobby.

A look of delight covered the older Winchester's face. It had been years since he'd felt so at home and welcomed.

The chatter continued before Matt finally managed to get Mello on track.. at least for a little while.

Dean watched everyone for a minute, then spoke, "What exactly is it that you need me to do?"

"We need advice from a non-techy person on what would be the best way to organize all this. As it is, a lot will need translation software that Matty will work on."

"You need to know what each book is about. I"d categorize it by title, author, topic for one thing. If it deals with spells, demons, monsters, ancient gods, whatever...add that category and put it in there. Non-techy types are gonna look for things like that first. Then, if it's a way someone died and a creature in a book or a spell kills that way, then have that in there. We're crazy enough to look for that."

Matt nodded, making notes.

"List by beliefs...some religions have demigods, demons, imps, and other things that might be found under beliefs. There's millions of ways to label them."

"Cross referencing..OK." He muttered under his breath, pen racing over the pad of paper.

"You're gonna need a good scanner and take it to Bobby's. We're talking tattoos, carvings, sigils, diagrams, pictures of creatures, and a shitload of other stuff. Need a major section on them. Someone sees something, if they can find the design or picture, it saves a ton of time."

"We had a team do that already. It's just organizing the mess that's left."

"From over a couple hundred thousand books? Crap!"

He nodded. "Hence why we need your advice and Bobby's. Though Mello is a bit...distracted."

Dean looked over at the blond. "What's with Mello and Bobby?" He thought they would have been the most unlikely twosome he would see.

"I have no idea, I lost track about an hour ago. Now it's a matter of keeping soggy chocolate off my computers," he growled and pushed Mello's hand away from another laptop.

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