Chapter 1

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Okay so yeah again inspired by a cartoon film. You guess. I hope you like this :) x

Louis walked down the hallway of his university, chewing the end of a pencil as he concentrated down on his paper. He looked around and then again concentrated back on the paper then suddenly stopped in his tracks. He walked backwards and looked at  the poster stuck on the worn out wall of his university.

His eyes widened and he snatched the poster of the wall and ran to the cafeteria, slamming the door open. Everyone looked at him but it didn't bother him, people looked at him a lot of time. It was impossible to not look at him with his bright red pants and the sunshine smile on his face. Also because he was the class clown. People loved the way he struck a pose and inacted the way their PE teacher drooled looking at their hot,young  English teacher.

He ran to the table where his friends were seated, ignoring all the hellos, and slamming the poster on the table. Louis' group of friends consisted of nine people. Rose, with curly red hair rosy lips and a obsession with make up and beauty products, Samantha who was more of a boy than a girl with her blonde hair cut short, Zayn with his perfect sharp features (he could be mistaken for a model) , Niall who breathed in food, Liam the sensible one who kept the group out of trouble (he might or might not have been the one who actually got them in trouble for the first time), George who didn't speak just snorted if he agreed and snorted with his mucus running down his nose if he didn't agree, Theo who was the computer geek (he spitted out programs, seriously) , Hannah the nerd aka the straight A student and the one the rest of them went to when in a educational crisis and lastly there was Louis, the one who made them all laugh and encouraged them to do whatever made them happy, also the one who walked around with anti depressants and had an appointment with his therapist every Saturday. He was getting better though. His friends knew, but others didn't. Humour was a pretty good cover up.

Everyone looked up to him, eyebrows raised.

"There is talent show." He simply said.

He friends still looked confused,

"So..?" Zayn asked, his perfect features scrunched up in confusion.

"This is the best time to put up my play, Zayn! I can prove it to that bitch ass Principal I'm more than a kid who doesn't have his goals set out straight. Which is pretty ironic because nothing in me seems straight but that's besides the point the point here is that this is my chance to prove myself."

"But that'll take a lot of time Louis, there are props and costumes to be made, actors to be found—you just can't put on a play in a month! Preparing a song, yeah, but a play? That's huge." Zayn said.

"That's were you guys come in. I'm pretty sure we can cover it all up." Louis said, shrugging.

Zayn shook his head,"we're just nine people, Louis."

"We'll need a tenth one and we're good to go. Because the form says you need minimum ten I have no clue why, maybe it's a group talent show, but they're idiots anyway—"

"Why don't you get it Louis? Ten people can put on a singing show not a play! Have you ever seen anyone pull off a play with just ten people?!"

"Well there's a first time for everything," Louis said smiling,then looked at his friend, George,and said "isn't there, Georgy?"

George just snorted. And mucus wasn't running down his nose.



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