Chapter 6

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You guys are being so nice to me! I hope this book turns out to be good because well yeah...(it's not edited so bare with me please)


Louis never left Harry alone unless he was practicing. It annoyed the living shit out of Harry and he usually told Louis to fuck off. Not that it actually worked.

Harry sat down, his earphones in (since he wasn't needed now), and watched as Louis touched Hannah's waist and guided her to the right position and suddenly Harry wanted Louis here to annoy him. He breathed in, not sure about the burning feeling in his chest. Maybe he needed water. He got up and drank some water.

After that he avoided looking back at Hannah and Louis because somehow the feeling minimised when he wasn't paying attention to them. It wasn't like Harry was jealous, just winded up or something...

Harry did his math homework, his earphones still in as the rest of the people continued working.

Harry felt someone touch his shoulders so he turned around to see who it was. It was Niall.

Harry removed his earphones and raised his eyebrows.

Niall nervously tugged at the hem of his t-shirt,looking anywhere but at Harry.

"Well are you going to like tell me what you want or what?" Harry snapped, annoyed.

"I-would you help me put up the windows to check them-I would've asked someone else but their quite busy—"

Harry got up putting his books back into his bag, "alright." He said and followed Niall towards the stage.

Harry didn't glance at Louis and Hannah. It wasn't purposely, not at all.

Harry helped Niall carry the wooden made windows and Harry held them as Niall put them up.

"What's that...that thing drawn on it?" Niall asked, frowning.

"Where?" Harry asked, squinting his eyes.

"Right on the top!"

"Looks like a penis..." Harry said, eyebrows scrunched.

Niall barked out a laugh, "I was gonna say bacon but now it certainly changes my point of view."

"How can you even think it looks like a bacon?!" Harry said, surprised and laughing a little.

"Well I am hungry..lets get this thing down and fix it and I'll go get something to eat, want to come along?"

"Sure, it's not like I've something better to do." Harry said shrugging.

Harry and Niall got the windows down and set it on the table and removed the piece of wood.

"Who even did this?" Niall huffed hammering the nail Harry held against the new wood.

"My bet is on Louis." Harry mumbled.

"I would bet on Sam...the loser pays for the meal?" Niall asked.

Harry held back a smile, "sure."

Once the damage was repaired the pair went over to the crowd—the whole group—and Niall cleared his throat and just like that everyone was looking at them. Louis raised an eyebrow as he saw Harry stifle a laugh behind his hand. Niall laughed looking at them. Well someone has bonded. He thought huffing.

"Well who drew a dick on the window? The wooden one?" Niall asked, the room was silent.

"C'mon no need to be afraid it's fixed, the culprit can come out." Niall said, pointing a finger at the crowd.

Sam raised her hand sheepishly.

Niall jumped, "Yes! C'mon buy me food!" He said, pushing Harry towards the door.

Harry rolled his eyes,"alright, alright. We'll be back I suppose? Want anything? " He asked, trying to be polite, and the group nodded and shouted out their orders except  Louis..

"Well what do you want?" He asked Louis.

"Nothing." Louis said, huffing, hands crossed over his chest, as he turned around and left.

What's with him? Harry thought but then shrugged it of.
He was being nice, wasn't he?

If Harry didn't know how Niall could eat so much. But he did so.

Harry liked Niall. He didn't look at Harry weirdly and talked to him normally and wasn't scared of him now and he didn't give him weird feelings like Louis.

He was a good lad to just be around always bubbly and laughing and talking. Sometimes Harry felt like punching him but that quickly subsided when Niall cracked a joke. Harry didn't laugh. Ofcourse not, but he wanted to. So that was something.

When they reached back they handed everyone their food and they thanked Harry and Niall.

Once everybody was done Harry went to find Louis. Louis was sitting on a chair head in his palms as he read a script.

"I got you tea." Harry said, keeping it on the table near him.

"What if I don't like it?" Louis asked, eyebrows raised.

"Well Miranda made it.." Harry said.

"You took Niall there?" Louis asked hurt, because he thought he was special and the only person Harry took to Miranda was him. He thought he was the first one, that's what Miranda told. Maybe he was the only one who found it special.

"Um no? I told him to wait in the car and got it? Like I got something for everyone so like yeah—didn't want to leave you out." Harry said, trying to hide his nervousness.

Why was he even nervous?

"Thank you, Harry." Louis said, smiling brightly.

Well he was special.

"You'll be coming tomorrow for practise?" Louis asked, "you're not needed but it's like you can come if you want? Only the actors will be here."

Harry thought about Louis and Hannah and the weird feeling he gets. He didn't like the feeling.

"Nope." Harry said.

"Oh okay." Louis said a bit disappointed.

With that Harry left and Louis sighed.

First he goes and hangs out with Niall of all people and is actually nice to him. What did Niall do that Louis didn't? Louis pouted. Was Louis not good looking or something? Or not funny enough? Louis was the first one to approach Harry not Niall! But with whom does he crack jokes and laughs and makes bets with? Niall. Right. But Louis tried so hard to win Harry over, he couldn't do it in a week and Niall managed to do it in a day? What did Louis miss? Louis stared down sadly. Well there had to be something wrong in him for Harry—people actually— to choose other's over him.

Louis suddenly wanted to cry. Why can't people like him better?

Louis' hands shook as he reached for his bag. He wouldn't thing negatively. No. His friends loved him. His parents loved him. They were doing so much for him. There was nothing wrong with him. Harry likes him too. He joined this thing for Louis.

He dug out the box of pills from deep inside his bag and swallowed one—wondered how would it feel to over dose. Louis shook his head. No. He was happy. He wouldn't go back.


It's not edited and I'm too lazy to. Soo. Bare with me please.

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