Chapter 9

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Recommendation : listen to 18 while reading this just saying.
Louis walked with the bouquet of the prettiest pink roses  he could get, a grin on his face.

He'd never felt this way about someone. He hadn't woken up at five am and stood outside a flower shop for an hour to get the freshest of flowers for someone. He hadn't woken up at five am for anyone for fucks sake.

Louis couldn't give a fuck though. He smiled and made his way to the class Harry was about to come out from. (How Louis got here before the bell? He had a free period for the first period.) (what can he say luck was on his side)

When the bell rang he bounced on his heels and waited for Harry to come out.

Harry was the first person to come out, like always. But he didn't see Louis. Louis was about to scream out his name when Harry speed walked towards the exist.

Louis furrowed. Doesn't he have class?

He walked after Harry, trying to quicken his steps so he doesn't loose him.

Louis found Harry in the football field, hiding behind the bleachers. Louis was worried now.

He walked towards where Harry was to see him there sitting and sobbing. His knees brought to his chest and head placed between them. His shoulders shaking violently.

"Harry! Haz!" Louis said, worried, sitting next to him and putting his hands on his shoulders and pulling Harry closer.

"What's wrong Haz?" Louis asked softly, Harry sobbed more.

"You're scaring me Haz. What's wrong?" Louis asked, caressing Harry's hair.

Louis held Harry until his sobs died down.

"I'm fine." Harry said, giving up on the voice in his head telling him to pull away and be careful and not to let his guard down  and snuggled closer to Louis' chest.

Louis snorted.

"Okay fine don't tell me." Louis said.

They sat in silence for a few minutes when Louis remembered the roses.

"Oh and I got these for you."Louis said , handing Harry the roses which were kept besides him, his hands nervously rubbing the back of his neck.

Harry blushed taking the roses.

"Thank you." Harry said, softly, smiling now, his dimples showing slightly.

Louis took that as the greatest achievement of his life.


Harry smiled, carrying the bouquet of roses in the bus, after practice,proudly. Louis had flirted with Harry all through practice. Harry got all flustered and annoyed by him and told him to stop like always. (Louis didn't) (just what Harry hoped for from within.)

They were the prettiest of roses and Harry had them. It was given to Harry by Louis and Harry wanted to shove it into the worlds face.

Did the woman with the cat have such pretty pink roses? Was she given roses? That's right, she was not. Harry was. By Louis.

Harry blushed thinking about him, Louis was so beautiful and kind and lovely and Harry just wanted him to himself.

But that was too much to ask for. It's always too much. Harry sighed.

That's okay though. He'll take what he gets.

He'll take the pretty pink roses from Louis and keep it with him even when they shrivel and die.

Because Louis gave it to him. And even if Louis will never know this, Harry cared about Louis more than he should.



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