Chapter 8

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Dedicated to @larrieutopia , I know I said I'll update sooner but yeah got caught up in  things hope you enjoy this!

Louis stood outside Harry's class, waiting for him to come out. (he skipped his class but that's besides the point)Louis had realised it was not his place to ask Harry what was wrong, it's none of Louis' business if Harry goes and fights or fall over steps. But Louis wishes it was his business.

Any ways, Louis needed to apologise and since they didn't have practice today, Louis thought it'll be a nice day to go out.

Louis jumped as the door to the class room opened and the first one to come out was Harry.

Harry glanced at Louis but decided to ignore him.

"Harry!" Louis shouted.

Harry just ignored him and walked forward.

"Harry! Haz! C'mon, wait up!"

Harry sighed and stopped in his tracks, asking himself why did he care enough to wait for Louis.

Louis huffed and stood besides Harry.

"Now you can walk. Slowly though."

Harry walked with Louis besides him, their hands brushing and Harry wanted to hold his hand so bad.

Harry always wanted to be in a relationship where he had someone who'd hold his hand, hold him, take care of him, kiss him without caring what people thought of him. But that was something Harry could never have. He knew. He placed his hands behind him.

"Listen," Louis started, "I'm sorry about yesterday it wasn't my place to ask you stuff and yeah, I'm sorry. Just stop being pissed at me. I don't like it."

Harry's heart broke. He didn't mind Louis asking him what's wrong for some reason. But did Louis believe that Harry had got into a fight?

"Do you believe that I got into a fight?" Harry asked.

"No," Louis said, "I might not know you or much about you but I do know you can't even hurt a fly."

Harry's lips twitched upwards.

"I can hurt a fly!" He said, huffing.

"Right and ask for forgiveness from it later on."

"I do not do that!" Harry exclaimed.

"You did that in eight grade." Louis said, shrugging.

Harry snorted,"you used to stalk me or something?"

Louis smirked,"just because most of the people don't notice you doesn't mean everyone doesn't . You've always intrigued me, Hazza. I did get side tracked during the freshman year where you went all gangsta,though." Louis said frowning.

Harry looked down and said with a sad face, "you should be glad."

Louis looked at him, feeling bad for bringing up bad memories.

"Well I have a sorry treat for you!" Louis said, smiling, crinkles forming by his eyes.

Harry wanted to see that smile every day.

"Is it like a ritual to go treat one another when one of us has to say sorry?" Harry asked, following Louis to his car.

"Well it'll be our ritual." Louis said, smiling, liking the idea.

"Alright." Harry said.

That was the first time Louis saw Harry smiling, the smallest of smiles. But a smile none the less.


"Try the strawberry one and I'll try the chocolate one." Louis said, peeping over Harry's shoulder, his hands on Harry's sides.

Harry tried to not feel too much and not react too much. It wasn't a big deal.

"But I want the mango one." Harry said.

Louis sighed,"Fine. You're the only person whose getting away with this."

Harry rolled his eyes as Louis paid for the two ice creams.

"So Harry tell me about yourself." Louis said, walking next to Harry as they took small bites of their ice creams and strolled down the park.

"There's nothing to know. I'm Harry Styles and I'm  17." Harry said with a shrug.

Louis sighed,"no Harry. What's your favourite movie? Or what do you do when you're bored? Do you have any siblings? There's so much to tell about yourself."

Harry looked down, remembering the last time he told things to someone and how they turned out.

"Why don't you tell me?" Harry asked, knowing it'll be a waste, because that's what they do—they find out your weaknesses and then lure you into thinking that they're good and they care about you and they don't tell you anything about themselves and crush your souls—

"Well, I have  five younger sisters and one younger brother. Lottie, Fizzy, the twins Phoebe and Daisy, Earnest and Doris. I like acting as you know. I like reading classic books and I like pop music. And my favourite colour used to be red but now it's changed. Now my favourite colour is the colour of your eyes." Louis said, shrugging.

Harry's heart beated so  fast in his chest he worried it would pop out and he felt his cheeks heating up.

"Aw you look cute when you blush." Louis says, pinching Harry's cheeks.

Harry swatted his hands away and mumbled, "I'm not blushing."

Louis chuckled, "whatever you say Haz."

They walked to Louis' car after that  and Louis drove Harry to his house. When Harry was about to get out he hesitated and after contemplating for a minute, he said,biting his lips nervously, "I like roses. Pink roses." And with that he left Louis' car, leaving a grinning Louis behind this time.

hope you liked that!! Leave comments behind if you want!

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