Chapter 11

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"There's a hole in my heart can you fix it?"

Harry realises things too late, or so he thinks.

So realisation hit him like a ton of brick that lovely afternoon, when Louis and him were in a cafe laughing about the dick Louis made on Samantha's face when she fell asleep. Harry was between a laugh when he stopped midway, his smile dropping and a memories flashing through his mind.

Louis frowned looking behind him—where Harry was looking— wondering why Harry's face paled and the smile was wiped off his face.

Louis saw a blonde guy, his arms around a petite brunette girl, Louis wondered who the fuck he was and why Harry looked like he was about to cry just by looking at him.

"Haz?" Louis asked.

Harry seemed to snap out of it then, "Let's get out of here Louis."

"But what's wrong?" Louis asked as Harry gripped his arms and dragged him away.

"Harry?" Someone asked and Louis looked back to see the blonde guy. The girl was no where to be seen, Louis wondered where she was. Probably getting a drink.

Harry froze, he closed his eyes and took a deep breath turning towards the boy.

"Dan." Harry said, his face expressionless.

"Who is this? Already replaced me young Harold?" the Dan guy said, pouting.

Harry stayed silent, now leaving Louis' hand, looking down and Louis was ready to snap this person's head off. No one talks to his Harry like that.

"I thought you went for the more manly ones you know? Tall with broad muscular shoulders, long legs? You know? Older?" Dan again said.

Louis frowned, did Harry really liked those kind of men? He was older than Harry. He wasn't so sure about the long legs and broad shoulders.

Harry's mind flashed back to his freshmen year and oh. Why was he trusting Louis? he wasn't supposed to trust anyone. He wasn't supposed to take flowers from them, he wasn't supposed to go out to cafes and Harry wanted to sob. He was doing what he promised himself not to.

Harry was about to cry, but he wasn't again going to, not in front of these people anyway. So Harry looked up, pulled a tight smile and said, "it was nice meeting you again, Dan."

With that he left, leaving Louis behind.

"Harry?!" Louis shouted, running behind him.

Harry stopped like always, but he thought about what happened before and then started walking again. He won't stop for anyone, he shouldn't have had for Louis, he doesn't know why he did.

"What's wrong with you? And who was that guy? And what the hell was he talking about?" Louis asked, catching up with him.

Harry ignored him.

Louis sighed," seriously Haz, you're going to ignore me for something I didn't even do? Real mature Haz, real mature."

"So why don't you leave me the fuck alone! I've never regretted anything more than agreeing to join this thing of yours! You know what?! Fuck your dreams, fuck everything! I'm out." Harry said, and stormed away.

Louis gulped, Harry didn't mean anything. He seriously didn't, Louis knows. He wasn't worthless and Harry doesn't regret being friends with him. Harry likes him. Harry will stay, Harry won't leave.

"Harry..atleast let me drop you home?" Louis said, hoping his voice didn't give away how hurt he was.

"What about leave me alone do you not understand?! I don't want to be around you. I'll go back on my own!"

With that Harry climbed onto the bus, leaving a crying Louis behind.


( I hate me too.)

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