Chapter 17

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"Louis, no." Harry whispered, trying to hold back his giggles and concentrate on the prop he was making as Louis kissed his cheeks and nose again and again.

"Louis yes!" Louis said and kept on kissing Harry's cheeks.

Harry sighed, grabbing Louis' face and attaching his lips to Louis'.

Louis smiled into the kiss.

Harry pulled back a second later.

"Now stop harassing me and go get some practice done!" Harry huffed, tightening the screw of the prop.

"Why the hell do you even need a bookshelf?" Harry asked, annoyed.

"That's for you and everyone else to find out and me and my actors to know." Louis said, booping Harry's nose and climbing off the table he was previously sitting on and with one last kiss on Harry's cheek he left.

Harry just shook his head, too fond of the boy.


Niall sensed something was different.

The way Harry leaned into Louis when he was standing next to him, the way Louis' hands lingered a bit more on Harry, the way Louis looked at Harry with heart eyes and the way Harry looked at Louis with heart eyes. It was all very odd.

Nothing went unnoticed by Niall. But maybe he could be seeing too much into it. Maybe.

He'll leave the questions for when the play was over.


Harry climbed into Louis' car and sat there patiently as Louis took his time getting in.

Louis sat in the driver's seat, head against the steering wheel and he took a breath and sighed deeply.

Before Harry could ask what was wrong, Louis spoke up,

"The play is in three weeks Harry—I'm so fucking scared."

Harry put his book bag down at his feet and turned towards Louis, taking Louis' hands in his. He entwined their fingers and said,

"It's gonna be amazing Louis. I just know it." Harry said, smiling.

"I hope so." Louis sighed.

"C'mon don't be like that, let's go get some ice cream. I want ice-cream Louis. Let's go." Harry rambled.

Louis just grinned at Harry.

How did I get so lucky? He thought.


"Tell me about yourself, Lou." Harry said.

They had gotten their ice creams and were currently sitting under a tree, Louis sitting behind Harry, his arms around Harry's waist and Harry leaned his head against Louis' chest.

"What do you wanna know?" Louis said, running his hand through Harry's hair.

"I don't know, anything?" Harry said.

"There's nothing much, I'm
just a guy with too many sisters and a rich mother." Louis said, shrugging.

"I'd like to meet your sisters some day, I love kids." Harry said, playing with Louis' hand which was placed on his mid section.

"I'm sure they'll be thrilled to meet you." Louis said, laughing.

"What else? No little Louis adventures. You seem like the one putting his nose into every one business." Harry teased.

Louis fake gasped, "I did no such thing!"

"But really I have no little Louis adventures unless you count all those trips to the therapist as an adventure." 

Harry's hands gripped Louis' tightly.

"It was just that the house was too big, the room was too big Haz. Everything felt so empty. No one was there and I felt so alone and then when Zayn came along I was so used to being alone I didn't even, I didn't know how to be not alone. Even with Zayn by my side I just felt so useless and God, I hated me. So much." Louis said, shaking his head.

"It's alright. You're all better now. You survived that didn't you?" Harry said, leaning up and planting a kiss on Louis' lips.

Louis smiled,"yeah I did."

"My brave little Lou." Harry said, grinning.

And right there and then, Louis didn't hate himself. Not one bit.


"Louis I wanted to ask you something." Harry said, nervously.

Louis turned towards Harry after pulling in front of Harry's house.

"What is it?" Louis asked, raising his eyebrows.

Harry took in a deep breath,

"I-um-Will-um—will you be my boyfriend?" Harry asked, blushing, looking down.

Louis grinned at Harry.

He made Harry look at him, grabbing his face he attached his lips on Harry's.

"Ofcourse I will be you idiot."


Woooooooo damn, louisandharry.

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