Chapter 15

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Dedicated to tommo_2412 HOPE UR FINALS GO WELL!! (Mine start from Friday SOOO yeah I'll need it more than u)
hope y'all like this xx

"According to Hannah's calculations, we're ahead of the schedule—thank god—we have exactly one month to get this over with Louis, are we done with the play? Please tell me practicing is the only thing we need to do—" Zayn said, his hands moving frantically in which his writing pad was held.

"Yes Zayn. The acting part is done and I think the last scene props and the lightings are the only thing that needs to be taken care of , so shoo get away from me." Louis said, watching as Hannah moved across the stage, grace in her step, determination on her face and yes, Louis was so happy this was turning out the way he wanted it to. It was all because of his lovely friends, obviously. He might as well had done something good in his life to deserve them. He saw as Niall pranced around, the bright smile on his faces, eyes shining from the stage lights. The best part of all this was that they were all enjoying and bonding and it was such a lovely thing.

"Louis come here!" He heard Rose, say.

He sighed making his way over to her.

"What makeup do you want for yourself? Any special effect?"

"Not really, no."


"What about Zayn and Liam? And are you sure about them being the main characters?" She whispered the end.

"Yes, they don't mind it per say. So yeah I'm good. And yeah— give Zayn the dark look yeah?," Louis said as Rose noted down points, "and  do you have any idea where you'd find a tattoo sleeve?"


"I don't get it! The person is supposed to be all this mysterious, scary person why are we putting bright lights in his bedroom Louis?" George ask, frowning, typing stuff in his laptop.

"What the actors do remains among the actors. Sorry mate, gotta follow the rules." Louis said, taking a bite from the last cookie he had removed from the box Harry gave him(no he didn't share it with anyone.) (more like cradled it and grinned at it for what seemed like an hour before his friends said he was crazy) (he ate it later while Harry laughed) They were ace. Louis would make Harry his personal slave and make sure Harry bakes him cookies every day. They were that good.

"Alright George you got everything? I have a date to go on." Louis said, grinning.

"Yeah and you finally asked him out? Why doesn't anyone tell me anything!—"

"I didn't, but today  I will though. We're just going to the park and this cafe today. You're the first one I told. So zip it. I'll let others know after I ask. I wonder if he even says yes."

"He will. He's smitten. He might look all this hardcore and stuff but he isn't. He's like a computer program, it's hard to crack. But once you do, behold everything else is a piece of cake."

Louis smiled, "I wish I could un-hear that metaphor, honestly. But thanks man. Appreciate it."

"No problem! All the best!" He shouted after Louis, who walked over to Harry with the biggest grin on his face.

Harry's face was scrunched up in concentration, his tongue poking out as he scribbled some math sum, his hair falling down all around him. Honestly Louis loved his long hair and his face. He was the definition of perfect. End of case.

"You done Harold?" Louis asked, making Harry jump in his seat.

"You scared the shit out of me." Harry said, his hands on his chest.

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